Controlling led par's with osc

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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:21 am
Real Name: Pipslab


For a theater show I want to control led pars with osc.
We are scanning colours of the clothing of the audience with a camera and this information is processed in open frameworkes and then is sent through ethernet to the front of house laptop controlling the theater lights.
The programmer want to know with osc data to sent to qlight so he can control a led par or just a dmx adres?
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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

QLC+ doesn't recognize a color code as an input from a plugin. (none of them, not specific to OSC)
Unless you need 8bit precision for component (16 million of colors), you can create a bunch of scenes (e.g. 256) and associate them to different OSC channels.
Then when you detect the color in your software, you approximate it to the nearest color available and send the OSC signal to QLC+.

You can use any OSC path that you want. For example /color/1, /color/2, /color/3, etc.. and the value in float format.

Otherwise, not using OSC, you can use the Web API and set individual channels of the simple desk via websocket.
Have a look here:
(see Simple Desk channel set)
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