Project Control QLC by standard DMX desk

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dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

Hi all,
My aim is to expand my 48 channel DMX controller to control many universes, so I can add LED pixel screens and generally more lights to my setup but keep live control by my DMX desk.
Why not use a midi controller I here you say?
My DMX controller has great sound to light engine with dedicated sliders for tempo and fade, also it has great touch sensitive keys with 12 dedicated scene pads sound active split in 3 groups of bass, mid, alto and treble.

My project requires DMX input in to QLC and DMX output from QLC. QLC to run with low CPU usage ( also why I plan to use the audio trigger on the DMX desk and not in QLC )
Also hopping to run QLC on the same Laptop as my DJ software (if possible).

Hardware list - 2001 MacBook 2.2ghz 4g ram, Pulsar Masterpiece 48 DMX desk, DMXKING eDMX4 DIN (Art Net > DMX x 4 universes, 1 to 3 as outputs & 4 as a DMX input), QLC Plus.
(Hardware also connected for audio control) Denon HC1000 usb midi controller, Novation Dicers usb midi controllers, Novation Nocturn usb Midi controller and Serato Scratch Live with SL1 usb audio hardware.

Still in early test stage but working to some degree.
The issue I have is getting the DMX input to work on QLC boot up.
I load my saved QLC setup and the inputs/outputs setup on the universes look correctly set and shows packets sent and received on network as it should. But in virtual console I have no input from my DMX controller. To fix this I have to untick all outputs on all universes on the eDMX4. Tick input off then on again, go back to the virtual console try a slider on the DMX desk if it's controlling QLC's virtual widgets then go back to input/output and tick on the outputs in universes 1 to 3.
Once working keeps working. :D
Maybe this is a network issue? I also find I have to use Art net for the input and sACN for outputs. More testing needed as I understand Art Net should merge in and out, so I see no reason why could not use Art net on Input and Outputs (input only on universes 4 and output on 1, 2 & 3).
May look at a usb DMX interface to use for the DMX input. Anyone recommend one?
The reason to buy the eDMX4 was A- the price (£96 for 4 universes able to connect by wifi) B- already running 4 usb devises on 2 usb sockets.

There's almost no info on setting up DMX input from a standard DMX desk so after full testing will post a How to and a video demo.

More to follow, please post any help, ideas, fixes or questions. Bare in mind Im new to QLC.

Alex (Dj fonic)
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While I don't have an answer for you, I want to say that USB DMX should not be needed, the setup with eDMX4 as you've described should work.

Regarding setup of the Masterpiece: you need to setup scenes so that each fader/button controls one DMX channel (if at all possible). Then assign those channels to VC widgets.
I suppose it is not possible to assign grandmaster/blackout and similar in this way, audio detection should be. I don't know the console and don't have time to read the manual so I won't give any more details here.
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I try to do the same thing but with 2 enttec DMX USB PRO... 1 for input and 1 for output. Output is ok but input has latency and dmx values jump...

I use a Maxim 36/72 desk, Win7. I tried to send from my first usb pro directly to the other but same result.
Do someone around here have good response using usb pro dmx as input??
dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

Thanks guys for the feedback so far,

You are spot on janosvitok I have a slider or cue list widget for each DMX Channel I can output with my console which is 48.
Mostly using basic slider widgets, set to input by DMX CH form a Masterpiece profile I have made. Using the Levels window control page picking the fixture channels (group of channels) I wish to control eg. CH 1 DMX set to control all Pan's on scans in QLC.

Had another test run today.
Now am thinking it is a boot up order that determines if the network works straight away or not.
Tried this today powered up laptop with eDMX4 connected but not powered up. Powered up DMX desk and switched one DMX ch on (to output a signal). Powered up lighting. Next made sure WiFi was not connected on laptop ( eDMX4 connected to local network adapter on LAN port on laptop ). Powered up eDMX4. Booted saved QLC show. Clicked LIVE in Virtual console and.......... YES worked no problems.
Will try this again changing order of booting things and post my findings. Thinking eDMX needs Some data packets from DMX desk to start the Input.( This maybe due to the fact Im using output 4 and I remember something in the spec that this universe on eDMX4 does not constantly stream packets or something like that ).

My next problem to overcome is Cue list control.
Using a Cue list, I can control the play (1 x DMX CH) and the Step forward (1 x DMX CH) But the play requires one trigger for on and one for off (This also is the case for buttons [with scenes with hold infinite] in virtual console and as these are in fact buttons on the widget, it makes sense that they operate in the same way) problem is I'm using a slider so after returning the slider to 0% on desk widget stays on. It then takes a second sweep of the slider to switch it off.
Fix - A simple tick box option in the input window to select action of the button as flash would do the trick (or use button as slider) also as far as I can see (apart from in levels window with slider widgets. not messed with this yet lol) it would be really handy to define a DMX CH Value range for the on of the button, this would allow multiples of buttons or cue list function play buttons to be triggered by use one DMX ch eg. 0-10 none 10-20 widget button [1] 20-30 widget button [2] 30 - 255 widget button [3] granted you could only trigger one at a time on the same channel but this would allow you to make macros for groups of fixtures. eg. 10 x pan and tilt EFX for say 20 moving heads saved to buttons setup on the same DMX input channel, then write a chase on the DMX controller to trigger the QLC buttons if the chase is made from scenes on the desk instant access to EFX button is achieved by pressing the scene on the desk.

Ok I know your thinking just write a scene on the desk set the latch to flash fixed. Yes but no, works yes one press for on and one press off but with out looking at QLC screen desk shows no indication of on or off. If this is operating mirrors or an LED screen that can not be seen by operator the keep looking at QLC has to be done.

More testing to follow.

Keep the feedback coming guys it all helps :)
dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

Final post...
Now working and each time I test. I've even run the QLC blind behind and at the same time as my Dj software with out conflict or issues!!!!
Control from the DMX desk is continuous with 0% lag even with QLC running in the back ground.

Here's the how to - ( also on new post )
First task is to create a profile for the DMX console you wish to use.
Go to input/output click profile tab and add new profile select type a DMX and add all the channels you wish to use. (see manual -Input Profiles How to)
Next make sure the interface you wish to use as an input is configured for receiving DMX. Normally done with a configure software for interface.
In input/output click on the universe you wish to input on then find the interface in the list in the window to the right and click the tick box for input.
The interface should now be displayed in the universe. With the universe still highlighted click on profile and tick the profile box for the one you made earlier.
The universe tab should now display the interface as input and the profile as the DMX one you created.
Now add your fixtures.
Next create widgets in the virtual console for the fixtures. Each widget can now be controlled by a DMX channel on your controller. In the widget settings click choose input , a window opens and should display the profile name you created. Click on it and a list of all the channels available should now be displayed, just click on the one you wish to use. Or click Auto Detect and move the slider to wish to use. See manual – Virtual console/ Virtual Console Slider for more info and what can be controlled.
Note – Editing without the interface attached. If you load and edit your saved show you should find that the input profile is still available to be picked in the widgets input window. BUT if you back up the file by “ Save As ” then reopen the file, for some strange reason the interface and input profile vanish.
To solve this if you “Save As” then instead of reopening the original file use “Save As” again overwriting the file. Interface and input profile stay setup.

Thanks to all who gave me feed back :D
dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

Oh how time passes.
Im still working on the same project but have switched to using a netbook with Ubuntu. With Qlc 4.10.3a
Quick update - Cuelists.
I have found jumping from cue to cue and across several cuelists a once can leave some dmx values at undesirable levels. If the next cue triggered does not include updated DMX values for all the light channels used in the previous cue.
Simple fix -
First scene 1 with all fixtures DMX values set to 0%.
Second scene 2 with no settings. Blank.
Third write a chaser step one scene 1 hold 10 msec, step two scene 2, Set the chaser to oneshot not loop.
This basically flashes all DMX values to 0% for 10msec.
For each Cue in a Cuelists use a collection and add this chaser to it along with the lighting settings you want to use.
Now jumping from any cue to any cue makes each cue work correctly.
Because the values are only flashed on at 10msec you can't see the difference.
I also use this in the last step of my Cuelists to force blackout when my slider is at 0%.
Regards Alex
dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

:D hi all, its now June 2020 & I have been using Qlc to expand my 48 channel lighting desk for quite sometime. I seam to have sorted all the glitches out. Will be posting some pictures and videos soon.
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