Enttec OpenDMX Dongle

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Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:18 pm
Real Name: Alexx


Can someone help me troubleshoot this?

I'm using an EntTec OpenDMX dongle with Windows 7.
I've checked the DMX USB Output box, added fixtures, set DMX addresses, etc. I believe that I have everything ready to go - at least enough to be able to turn a light, but nothing happens.

I can use a different program and I can control my lights, but no such luck with QLC+.

What am I missing?
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Have you tried the, raise channel 512 in simple desk, trick.

Not sure if this will help but some dongles don't work unless they get a full universe of data.
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Real Name: Alexx

I have not tried the 512 trick.

Considering the fact that my dongle works with other programs without the 512, would it make a difference when running QLC+?
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Other programs may automatically send the whole 512 channels, whatever the values of the channels.

QLC+ tries to limit the number of channels actually sent.
This may cause some issues when a DMX adapter is not able to receive a truncated universe.
When setting the last channel of the universe to >0, QLC+ will send the whole universe to the DMX adapter.

So the answer is yes, pushing the 512th channel up could make a difference when running QLC+.
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Real Name: Alexx

I gave it a try and put 512 at full - and it made no difference. :-(
I still had no control over anything.

Any other ideas?
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Real Name: David

Can you describe more precisely the actions you did in QLC+ ?

Basic functionnality test:
- Run QLC+
- Go to the Input/Output tab
- double click on the dmxusb line to open its properties, select the correct device in the properties, validate
- check the output checkbox of the dmxusb line
- go to the simple desk tab
- play with slider 1-20 (I suppose your first fixture address is 1)
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Real Name: Alexx

I've attached a screen shot of my Inputs/Outputs page - hopefully it'll help.

If I go to "Simple Desk" and try to control my fixtures, I get no responce from anything.
My house lights are on channels 1 - 7 and they do not respond.
Moving slider #512 to full made no difference.
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Empty serial number looks suspicious. What drivers did you install? (try right ones are from ftdi site)

Is it genuine enttec device or one of the clones? If it is a clone, you may try to download ftdiprog (or something like that) utility from ftdi site that you can use to fillin some number and check if it helps...
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Real Name: Alexx

I'm using a genuine Enttec and downloaded the drivers from their website yesterday.

Do you have a specific link for drivers I should try?
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For everyone information: the DMXUSB plugin always sends 512 channels.

Since the partial transmission caused issues, I reverted it like one year ago:
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/c ... c64b4f7a22
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Real Name: Bobby

I am also having trouble with QLC+ 4.8.5 on MacBookPro running 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). My DMXUSB is Entec OPENDMX USB and QLC+ recognizes it. But I get no output dmx. If I plug my setup into a DMX control board everything works fine. I just can't get the Entec to output USB.

ANY IDEAS greatly appreciated!! Show coming up.

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