Programming By Midi Console

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Posts: 14
Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 9:06 am
Real Name: steve

Hello everyone, sorry for my english if is too bad..

I Have a idea for be fast in the live situation...
Think if you have your Controll System, with Midi, and you go at the gig without have idea about fixture you can find...
You have already a layout in the virtual console connectied with your Midi Devices, and after patch the fixture you can star to make all color and everything by controll Midi, so will be nice if you can controll the fader in programming and save step by step or with a effect ( for rgb or moving head)..

I think if we can have also this we can have a perfect machine, after it's possibile make personal console, Number of faders, bottons, and everything..

i already make a controll layout and programming by Dump in easy way, patch like a 512 dimmer single, and in virtual console put a frame with 8 fader(my controll it's nanokontrol2), plug them with midi CC# of my controll and every fader controll 1 dimmer, so i can move 8 fader at page and when i make the step save with dump in a chaser...
It's pretty fast but i can't pacht the fixture if not i gonna to lose the connetion with my controll ( or doing every time..)

I will need a Intelligente Frame where i can controll the Ch, without make the patch, so i can use the effect and everything in the software...
Do you think it's possible?
dj fonic
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 4:41 am
Real Name: Alex Bowler

Hi SteveGiovanazzi,

I think I understand...

If I understand right, you want a blank controller totally pre set with Midi inputs, set on the buttons or sliders ready to add unknown lights to the patch universes when you arrive at a gig.

You can do this now!!

Create a virtual controller in the virtual console.
eg. Say you think you what 4 groups of lights when you get to the gig ( RGB LED, Moving Heads, Lazers & Strobes).
Create a standard frame with multi slider widget add as many as you think you need to control the groups of fixures, or one frame per group type include as many faders as you can to fit on the screen ).
Then patch 1 light fixture of each type you need (patch the most complex fixture available of the type).

Now comes the time consuming bit...
Program each slider to an fixture or output with the midi input you wish to use.
Program Chases and scenes for each type of fixture.

When you get to the venue you have to Remap the lights to the patched lights you have already programed see manual section - Fixture Manager/Fixture Remapping.
Once done the pre programed chases and scenes should all work.

This maybe some help in setting up a general console layout that you can change it from one gig to another.


Posts: 14
Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 9:06 am
Real Name: steve

thanks for reply..

well it's not like this the idea.. can be more easy..

you know when you make a scene (in the "functions" sheet) and select the fixtures you need? and then you see the fader about that?
ok its that one... a frame in the virtual console where you select the fixture and see fader as how you make the scene in the "functions"...

like the scanner console, you have usualy a 12 fixture and select which one you need and when you have the "scene/step" dumb to chaser...

sorry for my english-...
i think it's perfect if there is because so you can patch the right light, and not lose the effect functions exemple for moving head...
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