Cue-List from Chaser and Pan/Tilt-Issue

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 21, 2015 10:54 am
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Hi there! :-)

First of all, a big thumb-up for this wonderful piece of software. :)

My problem: I actually want to program a small show for the theatre.
We want to use 4 Movinghead spots for 4 actors and wanted to put the scenelight separat from pan/tilt movements in order to have less stress with repositioning only those movement-Scenes at location (which is different from the rehearsal-location).
Therefore, i programmed all scene-colours and then all pan/tilt in separate scenes, put them in right order into a chaser and did a cuelist in the VC.

BUT - Everytime a Pan/Tilt-Cue is playing, all light (lets say, from the scene before) goes black (Positioning then works of course, but I want Pan/Tilt as addition to a lighting Scene, not only for itself in deepest darkness ;) ).
Of course, I marked ONLY the Pan/Tilt-Channels as active in these Scenes and deactivated Pan/Tilt-channels in the Colour-Light-Scenes following them. What I do wrong?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, :) best regards
Posts: 1335
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

QLC+ currently is not a tracking console. If a HTP scene/cue is off, the channel is reset to 0. LTP channels stay at last value. Dimmer/RGB are HTP, PAN/TILT/Shutter are LTP.
Cuelist plays the cues/scenes one by one, so when the light cue starts the lights go on, then the PAN/TILT cue starts, meaning that the first cue is stopped and lights go off.

Chaser only plays one scene at a time. To overcome this, you need to create Collections for your steps. I.e. create Scenes for each of your look and PAN/TILT positions, then add required scenes to collection
and finally create chaser out of collections.

You may skip collection if there is only one scene involved at a particular step, and you may skip position scenes since they "track" from previous step. However, for the sake of consistency
you may want to always list all involved scenes. It will also help if you want to skip to a particular step (since QLC+ doesn't compute the state as a fully tracking console would).

I know it's cumbersome, but... ;-)

If you need more help, please attach your workspace and custom fixture definitions.

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 21, 2015 10:54 am
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Thank you very much, Jano :)

I found a workaround for this issue: Iam simply using TWO cuelists in the VC, one for the Pan/Tilt-movements and the other for the Lighting. This works. By assigning different forward/backward-keys for both of the cuelists, i can control them independently and parallel without any blackouts.

Works for me. Perfect. :D
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