keyboard shortcuts instead of clicking icons?

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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:04 am
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Real Name: Andreas H

Hi everybody,

I often use the "live editing" function in QLC+ for my moving heads. To use it I have to
a) click on the "live edit a function" button
b) open the "scenes" folder
c) select the scene I want to edit
d) click on the "positioning tool" icon on the edit windows

As I have to edit many scenes before the shows I'd like to know if there's a way to use keyboard shortcuts for b) and d).

Thank you very much!

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Real Name: Jano Svitok

I don't know of any shortcuts. Sorry.
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This is a thorny issue. Keyboard shortcuts have been called several times without success nor programmers answer. It is possible for a program to work properly on "Windows, Linux and OSX" there must be a visual interface and keypad restrictions. This is the price to pay for now, pending version 5 QLC +
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One problem with shortcuts is that since QLC+ allows assigning keys quite freely to user widgets.
If we add lots of default shortcuts in the middle of the game, we may break user workspaces.

And of coarse there is the time problem. I'm currently only able to dedicate a few hours a week for development
and it'll be getting worse... ;-)
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Real Name: Andreas H

I didn't mean to add default shortcuts but to give the user to possibility to add a personal shortcut just for a few functions he needs.
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