Copying Scenes Between Shows

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Posts: 134
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:09 am
Real Name: Robert Goldberg

Hi folks. Is there a way to pick up a whole bunch of scenes from one show and copy them to another show? I could really use this feature. Is there a way to pick up any part of a virtual console and copy it to another show? I could use that too.

Posts: 1330
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

One (not very easy) way is to copy and adjust fragments from the qxw file.
Just open the files in a text editor (like notepad) and edit the xml code. If you don't know XML, either don't attempt this or learn it. There is precise structure that must be observed.

For this to work, both files should have same fixtures patched the same way.
You may need to adjust ID attribute so that the scene id is unique among all functions.

Similarly for the virtual console widgets. You need to keep the IDs unique, and make sure you don't assign non-existant function to a widget (if you fail, in better case the wrong value will be removed, in worse case QLC+ will crash) and keep the structure of the qxw file.

The editing may be a bit complicated, but still it may be faster than creating things anew.
Posts: 121
Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:24 pm
Real Name: Vladimir

Hi. Dear friends. I think it's not good that any scenes, chasers and etc. in QLC+ don't copy to individual file. If it will be so users will have very easy way to download scenes, chasers and etc. to any project (show) they want. For example on the Music Visualization soft each scene is an individual file. Best regards.
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