Renaming Channels (4.8.5 Mac Version)

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Posts: 27
Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 8:36 pm
Real Name: Dean Clough

Is there a way of renaming 'channels' after creating a fixture?

Here is my situation, i've created a fixture for a dimmer pack to control a 18 channel dimmer (Pulsar Datapak 3 18ch).
Now i've got 3 of these dimmer packs to control and each channel controls different switched or dimmer loads.
I've created a fixture for them giving them the channel 1, channel 2, channel 3 etc unto channel 18.
When i patch these over i can rename each pack, but i can't seem to rename each individual channel to describe what each channel does.
Can it be done, or do you reckon it would be easier creating 3 different fixtures with the channels already labelled when the fixture is in creation stage?
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

I would say the second option.
Otherwise you can use single channel dimmers and name the fixture with the meaning of the channel they control
Posts: 27
Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 8:36 pm
Real Name: Dean Clough

Yeah, i thought that might be the case.
I don't think id want to have separate single channel dimmers, as I'm looking to build this so other people can use it, so if they have more stuff to play with the more they can change and alter.

Yeah it might be a bit of a pain to input each as required, but i think it will be the better option, but will try out each way to see which works best.
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