Individual Color Chasers for Matrixes

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Hi Massimo,

I have a question about colors in matrixes. Maybe there is already a solution and you can help me, else if it would be a great feature in the future.

For now you can asign a start and an end color for matrixes what means it fades/jumps between these colors each step. For my light setups i would need the option to create a individual color chaser with more colors like red, blue, green, orange, magenta,… and so on which can be choosed for matrixes instead of an single color or start and end colors. So i could create for example 3 or 4 different color chasers which i can activate for my matrixes and trigger them inside a solo frame.

Is this already possible or could be implemented in an future update?

Thanks a lot for your great work!

King regards,


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Pascal Grunenberg
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david garyga

Virtual Console -> Animation widget.
Jano Svitok

Pascal, what you want is most probably achievable by using javascript.
Check e.g. gradient script, copy it to your user script folder, edit it to add some presets. Then create some RGB matrixes for each of the presets.
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:36 pm
Real Name: Drew E

I have been wanting to do something very similar as described above. I've tried the suggestion of copying a javascript over into the user folder of RGBScripts and changing the name (to start) just to make sure it works / loads okay in QLC+. However, the javascript I copied and modified the name does not appear as an option in the dropdown. Once I know it loads, I'll start modifying the specific script further.

Is there another step I need to do in order to import the modified javascript? I'm on OS X, with QLC+ 4.8.5.

Posts: 637
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:30 pm
Real Name: David


Both the filename and the script name should be changed if you want you script to appear.

To which folder did you copy it ?
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