I've got a few fixtures that don't seem to play nice with QLC+ because the fixture editor only allows a single mode per channel. I wanted to suggest an idea for changing it to better support multiple possible modes for a channel.
For all of the fixtures in question, the mode of one channel is dependent on the value of a different channel. I find that annoying in fixtures and try to avoid it in most cases, but sometimes that's just how they come and there's nothing I can do about it, I own them, or that's what is installed at the venue.
For example - I have a color changing par. If channel 5 is between 0-49, channel 6 does nothing. If channel 5 is between 50-99, channel 6 is now a color selection, so I want to edit channel 6 in color mode so I can indicate the different colors to pick. However, as soon as channel 5 is between 100-255, channel 6 now controls a speed value indicating how quickly the light should change between all of the colors. If I want the light to go fast, I have to tell it to go "blue"... if it I want it slow, I need to pick "yellow"? This doesn't make any sense at all.
I don't see any way to work around this, it feels like a missing feature of the editor. In fixtures I have that you already have definitions for, it's just broken - I can't use the virtual console for the fixture because it doesn't work. For example - the Chauvet ColorStrip Mini - Depending on the value of channel 1, channel 2 might control red, or it might control run speed. Because it's set to speed, I can't control it from a slider on the virtual console, because it isn't an intensity. Frustrating!
Idea: Fixture Editor Multi-mode Support
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I have a set of ADJ fixtures that do the same thing and it's horrendously annoying. Personally, I've decided that I'm just going to set my fixtures so that this particular configuration is avoided but I would definitely agree that it would be great if QLC supported some way to deal with this.