Using more than one overlapping audio track in Show Creater causes crash

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I may be wrong, but I found no documentation telling me that only one audio track per show is allowed. I added a sound effect on a separate track and when both initial audio track and sound effect audio track played, the sound would distort and QLC+ 4.4.1 would crash.

The QLC+ Software itself lets me add multiple audio tracks.
I tried both WAV and MP3 files and combinations of both and encountered same results.

Please let me know if more than one audio track is allowed. (win7 x64)


Massimo Callegari

Overlapping audio is not allowed, even though QLC+ allows you (and I think it works in Linux cause it's a serious OS)
I have to add this to the documentation.
QLC+ is not meant to be an audio sequencer, sorry
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