Unable install to Mac OS 10.5.8

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ilight photo

I am a new user of QLC plus. Error occurred when I try to install it to my MAC with OS 10.5.8. Any suggestion?
Rowan Deppeler

Unfortunately, the DMG package available is compiled and built for a 64 bit system. 10.5 (Leopard) is only 32 bit for Intel processors. Possibly, Massimo has 32 bit package somewhere otherwise, I'm happy to help if you would like to try and build from source for your system.
Massimo Callegari

My OSX skills are very limited.
Here's the thing:
NOTE: Qt 4.6.3 has some issues with its QFontDialog in OS X so you shouldn't use it any longer. Qt 4.8.x is nowadays the preferred Qt version. Note also that Qt no longer supports Leopard (10.5.x) and older Mac OS X versions.

So even if you try to compile QLC+ from sources it won't work.
You can try some old versions of QLC, but that's not QLC+.
ilight photo

IC ! Thank you for your reply.
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