4.4.0 Layout Issue

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George Qualley

I've noticed an issue with window sizing in 4.4.0 which I was not seeing in previous versions. Basically, it seems as if QLC doesn't know what size my desktop is and extends the window past the bounds of the screen. I will attach a screen shot to illustrate...
George Qualley

Here it is...
Screen%20Shot%202013-07-29%20at%206.43.52%20PM.png (3.96 KiB) Viewed 937 times
Massimo Callegari

Probably it's the Simple Desk expanding the window.
You can tweak it to display less faders (see the help)

Since it's getting annoying to me too I'll have a look to reduce its size for lower screen resolutions (like 1024x768)
George Qualley


Thank you for that workaround, I will give it a try shortly. Now that you mention it, that does seem like what is probably happening. I use it on a 1024x768 touchscreen and I imagine that wouldn't be too uncommon of a setup.
Massimo Callegari

I checked this one. If the simple desk is empty the minimum resolution required is 989x496. (at least on my OS)
The problem happens when all the channels are set, so they all have buttons with a 32x32 icon on it. Meaning a total size of 1180x496.

I can work to reduce that too, but I recalled another workaround that might work for you. When opening QLC+ go to the Simple Desk and switch it to the tabbed view mode, so you'll have an horizontal scrollbar and minimum size will go back to 989x496.

Another workaround is selecting an empty universe (like universe 4) and leave it there

See attached screenshots.
smallest1.png (13.96 KiB) Viewed 937 times
smallest.png (74.8 KiB) Viewed 937 times
smallest2.png (13.96 KiB) Viewed 937 times
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