Inputs/Outputs - remembering values and refreshing

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Matthew Marks

I've just noticed a bug in storing the settings of the inputs/outputs list. If I tick the boxes to use a BCF2000 (MIDI device 2) and re-start QLC+ after removing the BCF2000, it behaves as expected - no BCF2000 in the list and no boxes ticked. But then if I re-connect the BCF2000 and start QLC+ again, the boxes for the device above the BCF2000, MIDI device 1 (MIDI Through Port-0), become ticked instead.

This also leads to a low-priority feature request: a way of refreshing the device list (right click menu?) so that devices can be detected/removed without re-starting QLC+. Even better if it detected changes automatically but I imagine that might be a pain and architecture-dependent.
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