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Matthew Marks

A random idea: any thoughts on [preheat]( It could be a dimmer option - effectively a minimum output value. It can make lamps (and probably dimmers) last longer and be more responsive. It should probably override blackout and operate in design mode.
Jano Svitok

I was thinking about this, but I didn't get to implement it yet. My idea was:

Add following settings for each (assigned?) DMX channel:

- minimum (default: 0) - DMX values can't go below this value
- maximum (default: 255) - DMX values can't go over this value
- offset (default: 0) - it will be added to DMX values
- reverse (default: no) - flipping the range upside down f(x) = 255-x
- curve (default: linear f(x) = x) - to allow steeper or shallower curves,
also to downgrade dimmer to switch

We could then implement the following features using the above:

- preheat
- reverse PAN/TILT for moving heads
- limit PAN/TILT range to avoid obstacles
- with offset, we could correct wrong head direction

The computation would be:

- take post GM DMX value
- add offset
- apply curve
- revert if required
- apply minimum and maximum
- output the data


- all operations go after GM (grand master) which is currently the last processing
on the values. It is so because these operations are more related to the actual
fixtures than to the functions in the QLC+. I'd call them "postprocessing"
- minimum and maximum go last, to
(i) avoid confusion with reverse - they would be effectively swapped if min/max is before reverse
(ii) to allow setting fixed absolute min and max - for maximum safety. no processing will be done after min/max are applied
- Reverse is after curve and offset, so that the reverse can be used to undo pan/tilt reverse on the fixture itself.
- I'm not sure about curve and offset

As for GUI, I'd go for a table with one column for each feature, and one row per DMX channel. I'm not sure if one table per fixture, per DMX universe or one global table.
Relevant part may be reflected to feature-specific settings like preheat for dimmers and pan/tilt reverse for moving heads.

Some fixture models may have preset e.g. dimmer channel reversal, if they are implented as such, so that they can be used the "normal" way.
Massimo Callegari

Virtual Console Sliders in level mode have a "minimum value" setting.
If you just set the range from 10 to 255 and associate all your dimmers channels there you should obtain a preheat effect.

Am I right ?

the GM would work putting 0 in ever intensity dmx chanel when the GM level is setted to 0 exactly like the blackout button...

in my experience, who want or need the preheat, usually obtain it using the dimmer setup...every dimmer that have a manual control with sliders or some other setup menu (around the 90% of furniture that I've seen in my career) can be set to have a preheat engage...

if you want add a preheat function, I suppose that could be an option to implement when a cue fade time is set to 0, similar to the "move in e dark" function of some console that pre-set the moving head position for a cue in the previous cue if the moving head dimmer is set to 0.
if someone need to have some chanel ever in preheat state, maybe to use it to flash with or with blinders, I think that if GM or BO button go really to 0 isn't a problem... the way suggested from Massimo it's easy and don't require modify to QLC+, but maybe can be made more acessible with a check button in the config panel...
Matthew Marks

Those of us not working in the professional arena tend not to have access to equipment with the sophistication you are talking about. Low-cost DMX dimmers do not have sliders or pre-heat settings.
Massimo Callegari

Not sure I got your point Matthew. I'm talking about QLC+ sliders. Nothing physical.
Here's a screenshot of what I mean
preheat.png (6.86 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
Matthew Marks

I was responding to Willy's comments about professional equipment. :) Sourceforge is very flaky at the moment - I keep getting internal server errors - so you might not have seen his comment.
Michael Clements

1) I think Jano's suggestions for adjustments to the DMX value of a channel are excellent.

2) The minimum level option in a level control can't take account of different kinds of fixture controlled by the same level control, e.g. various types of dimmer and LED intensity.

Also, it could become hard to keep track of the DMX adjustments needed since the channels controlled by the level control can be edited.

3) However, my preference for the GUI would be similar to the "slider properties" dialogue box – first set up the DMX adjustments needed, then select the appropriate channels using the same set of tools as in "slider properties".

4) All the suggested adjustments should be applied in both operate and design modes and overide the GM and blackout.
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