New website community contribution call

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Massimo Callegari

While preparing a new release of the imminent 4.4.0 version, I found the time also to review the QLC+ website and I would need the help of some of you who is currently using QLC+ on live events.

Basically, from users feedbacks, I identified 3 main areas of QLC+ usage: theatre, rock, sync.
I would like to fill the new website with the key features of each area, so a new user can have an immediate feeling if QLC+ suits him or not.
To be clear, I don't need a whole bunch of 800 ideas of how this could be done. I am too busy coding this huge 4.4.0 and I don't really have time for web coding.
I need some ready-made proposals, either in HTML/CSS or word documents.

What I have in mind is stuff like this (imagine you don't read the products ... s_new.html ... e/Features

A kind of visual tour of the usage area key features.

Thanks in advance to anybody who wanna help :)
Massimo Callegari

Forgot to give the new URL:

I tested it with Chrome and Firefox. If you find rendering issues with other browsers, please let me know.

Jano Svitok

I created new wiki page to collect the ideas: ... rock-shows

Let's split the idea collection from HTML coding/image gathering.
Massimo Callegari

Thanks Jano. I've added some more rock&roll stuff.
I have prepared a page also for timed shows since I massively used it lately ... ized-shows
Massimo Callegari

I've finally been able to get some pictures of my band's full lights show !
I prepared a page on the QLC+ website for "use cases":

Everyone that has pictures/videos of their results using QLC+ can contact me to publish them on that page.

Thank you !

Looks really good.

How about a Video as well ;-)
Massimo Callegari

I've got only one video showing the whole stage, but my camera clipped the audio so terribly. I can try to fix it but I won't spend anymore time on this since I am the only one sharing things here.

No good.
Massimo Callegari

Here's another experiment. I've added a new section to the website named "tutorials".
Last night I quickly recorded a video starting from inputs/outputs. Please let me know if it might work this way and I'll add more in the future.

P.S. Excuse my bad english and some embarassing moments...
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