Channel Groups and Solo Mode (bugs?)

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I've two big problems with channel groups, also in qlc+ 4.3.3:
1) I make a channel group for example with "red intensity" channels of different fixtures.
I make the scene with this channel group but pressing a button "linked" to this scene in the virtual console has no effect in the dmx output and visual feedback (no green border on the button).

2) Pressing any button assigned to a scene which control a color intensity channel has the correct visual feedback but pressing any other button assigned to a scene which control for example strobe, color fade or a pan channel generate a visual feedback like buttons in flash mode, even if the dmx output is correct.
Thank you so much!

P.s. to "see" quickly the second problem you can import the fixture "Martin MAC300" and let the function assistant to create the scenes.
Now you can modify for example the scene "Colour - Red 308", disabling channel 6 and enabling channel 4 with any dmx value.
Now create "automatically" a button matrix with all the scenes created above...have fun :)
Massimo Callegari

1) channel groups cannot be controlled by a Scene. I don't understand what did you do. Maybe you should share your project here
2) When acting on the same fixtures but different channels from a VC Button linked to a Scene, you should enable only the channels you want to control.
Again, if you share a project we can understand what you did

1) I probably didn't understand the meaning of channel groups in the software... otherwise I attach a project (Channel_group.qxw).
2) Buttons_feedback.qxw

Thank you!
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Michael Clements

The point that a VC button linked to a scene with only LTP channels (whether arranged in channel groups or not) has a green border only momentarily is worth some further thought.

On many occasions one may want to set LTP values like colour, pan and tilt before turning up the intensity of certain fixtures.

A possible way of retaining a reminder of which LTP values you have selected would be to give the button a red border which stayed on until a new set of LTP values were selected involving any or all of the channels controlled by the button. Ideally, a second (third etc.) button which controlled a completely different set of LTP channels should be able to have the red border without affecting the border of the first button.

Since a set of LTP only buttons behaves in a somewhat similar way to a set of HTP buttons in a solo frame, having red border to an LTP only button to match the solo frame border seems logical.

3) There is a "work round" to force the green border to stay on when controlling only LTP values such as colour, if you need this:

a) Create a dummy intensity fixture at a DMX address not used in your lighting rig.

b) Include the dummy intensity fixture in the scene but not in the channel group for the LTP values (otherwise the click and go technology won't be available for the channel group).

c) Give the dummy intensity fixture a non-zero intensity value.

d) If you are using several LTP buttons to set different values on the same channels, you will probably want to put the buttons in a solo frame so that the previous green border turns off automatically.

Thank you Michael!
The trick is not so annoying, I'll get used to add a "ghost" dimmer with a single channel to all the scenes ;).

On the contrary, after the answer of Massimo
( ... 603d/#adb4 ), I haven't understood yet the way to use channel groups in scenes: like in the "channel_group.qxw" I posted above, I thought that I could create a red channel group which contains red channels of all fixtures and create a scene with this channel group in order to regulate all fixture red channels only by regulating the red channel group intensity.

SOLVED... I'm stupid XD
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