LTP mode doesn't work

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I did a video where I show that LTP doesn't work in QLC+:

[[embed url=]]
david garyga

Yes, looks like this is not the expected behavior.
Massimo, can you confirm ?

For now, a workaround:
Put 1 instead of 0 in the channels you want to set to 0.
Massimo Callegari

Please share the project

david garyga: That does indeed create LTP-like behaviour. However, there's several problems. First, it reverts back to previous fader's value when reaching bottom. Second, there's still no LTP fading when pushing up Latest fader. The software should when pushing up Latest fader fade out or fade in values being taken over - not jump. That's more like just releasing all other faders, although it's not that either, since it reverts back to the other faders' values at bottom.

Here's the project file:

EDIT: I was wrong. "Standard" LTP behaviour *is* actually "snap". Fading is called IPCB fading - Intensity, Position, Color, Beam.
(6.04 KiB) Downloaded 94 times
david garyga

> First, it reverts back to previous fader's value when reaching bottom.

Yes, that is normal, because then the second function is stopped.
The LTP configuration is connected to a channel, not to a function.

The "deciding" function will be the last one that has been started, in the list of running functions.
Once the second fader is down, the function is not running anymore.

What about this solution:
- Create a solo frame
- Put the 2 faders in said solo frame

This way, when you move one slider, the function connected to the other one will be stopped.
Massimo Callegari

Just tested the project. I see a different behaviour than the video.
1) is this the same project used to take the video ?
2) David, I'm using a GIT snapshot. Have we done any change lately to HTP/LTP behaviour of channels ?

Anyway what I see is:
- dimmer Aleda @ 100%
- red @ 100%
- when I raise Cyan, the lights immediately goes to black (LTP OK) and when I reach 100% the lights are cyan

To me this is the correct behaviour. For a smooth transition between two scenes like this I would use the cross-fade feature of the Cue List widget.
Attached a sample project
(5.52 KiB) Downloaded 112 times

My bad, you're probably absolutely right. Standard LTP behaviour is actually snap in Chamsys MagicQ. So what I'm really asking for, is the possibility to do so-called "IPCB" or fading LTP.

[See the graph I made](

I also made a video showing how it works in Chamsys MagicQ PC, if it's of interest:

[[embed url=]]
QLC%2B-graph.png (29.67 KiB) Viewed 1317 times
Jano Svitok

From a quick google search, IPCB means Intensity, Postion, Colour, Beam :)
david garyga

Massimo, the workspace file joined here is not the one from the video, it has values to 1 instead of 0, so LTP works.

I'll attach a complete test workspace later.

Trendiboi, your graph looks correct about the current state of qlc+.
I don't know about fading ltp, I guess I'd just go with manually moving the 2 faders at the same time, or maybe try Massimo's solution.

Also, from Jano's link, it looks like we are working with the C of IPCB here :)
david garyga

LTP Test workspace:

1 generic RGB fixture
All channels set to LTP

4 scenes, all with RED and GREEN channels activated:
R 255, G0
R 0, G255

R255, G1
R1, G255

And in the virtual console, 1 button and 1 fader per scene. (behavior is the same with buttons of faders)

Now, correct me if I'm wrong:

Non-functionning LTP:
Activate R255 G0
Activate R0 G255
-> Values are R255, G255, they should be R0, G255

Functionning LTP:
Activate R255 G0
Activate R1 G255
-> Values are R1, G255, as they should
(6.38 KiB) Downloaded 181 times
Massimo Callegari

Trendiboi, it's ok to share videos on YouTube about QLC+ issues, but please, once they are cleared or resolved, can you please remove the video ?
Otherwise, in a long-term, searching for QLC+ on YT will end up in an infinite list of bugs (most likely not there anymore) and people will be discouraged from using the software.

As for MagicQ, I personally believe it is a strategy to terminate the human race. I wouldn't even know where to start with that software. It's so user un-fiendly and a extensive usage of it makes your head explode ! :)

By the way, have you tried my project with the Cue List widget ? It does what you demonstrate on the MqgicQ video.

**Massimo**, the videos are not public, so I don't think it will be a problem. If they somehow become directly searchable in Google anyway (which they probably won't), I'll of course remove them.

Haha, I agree about MagicQ (and MA and Avolites as well)! But still, the concepts that does work, is palettes, groups, "programmer" style light programming (a "programmer" that contains all changed values which can be saved or cleared, ready for next cue saving) and having different resizable and movable windows for colors, beam, position and so on. That system is well tested and tried in the lighting world, and I think it makes sense. It's just the implementation that, in my opinion, sucks on all professional consoles.

But I really have faith in QLC+. Right-click menus, for a start, is a standard software thing that should be on all consoles. Customizable keyboard shortcuts (at least for the playbacks, although it's lacking for core software functionality), full MIDI compatibility (wow! I love that!) and support for all typical USB-DMX interfaces.

Yes, I did test the cue-list version, and it works, but that sort of takes away the point of LTP IPCB. The point is that with 10 playback faders, you can push up anyone of them, and it will smoothly take over the values concerned. Your solution only works between pre-determined playback faders. The point is being able to randomly choose during a show.

**Jano Svitok**: I'm way too impatient! I _did_ do a Google search but couldn't find it, plus, I should've remembered from reading the GrandMA manual... Makes too much sense.

**david garyga**: That was a much better demonstration. Yes, that's exactly the problem.
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