What/how/where with sequences

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I just tried version 4.3.2 with my show.
There is good news, registration causes more loss of sound file as was previously the case.
By cons when I get to the 4th or 5th footage, I lose sound and lights.
When I play the show, the sound and the lights do not come back after 1mn 20s.
I tried to move the file and its sequences on the timeline, 1mn 20s, but in this case, the sound and light do not come back at the end of 3 minutes (mid mp3)??

Massimo GREAT NEWS, the show function works perfectly with version 4.3.3. (OSX 10.6)
Nice work.
Long live QLC +.
Massimo Callegari

Very good. I had to bang my head over it to find out what was wrong.
Now Show manager should work like it meant to work
Massimo Callegari

@patrick, can you please also tell me if with 4.3.3 the DMXking ultraDMX micro dongle is detected without forcing it to Pro TX ?

The DMXking ultraDMX micro dongle is not detected open TX, must be forced to Pro TX !
Changing parameters of the control panel very often causes crash QLCplus. But redemarage change option is usually taken into account.

hello every one and sorry for my bad english (I'm from italy)

for me too the version 4.3.3 is a resolutive version for my show... I've approached QLC+ only from 5 days with 4.3.2 version and I gave ever problems with the show editor, ever when I try to add a new trak/function, the app crash immediatly... (obviusly, using the 4.3.2 version on OSX 10.6.8)
now with the 4.3.3 version semes work perfectly, and tomorrow I'll finally could try it on a real situation.

I've a strange feeling about the artnet plugin when my artnet box is connected via wireless instead wired connection... with a cable connection my LanBox-LCE is correctly detected with name and ip adress on the connection tree, in the in/out tab configuration
when I'm connected via wireless using an access point directly connected on the LanBox-LCE, the artnet box isn't viewed from the app (no one tree detected in the tree view of the pannel), but it's strange, with the same configuration the simple free iPad and Android application that I use sometime, detect it correctly and display it with the right name and ip address...

have you some tick or idea about this strange situation?
I'm at home now and I cannot try the various configurations in a real situation because I have no one dimmer or other infrastucture to test the effective dmx output from the box... maybe tomorrow in the theatre I'll discover problems about my box or the artnet output (the LanBox-LCE support the artnet connections only from the last firmware and the software configuration to make it work on artnet protocol isn't really usefull or comfortable...)

for now I'm happy to have discovered QLC+ ... and got learned to use it sufficently to record a show and to try to execute it tomorrow :)
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