Sound to light?

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broken plastic

Any chance of getting sound to light capability? It would be nice ot assign parametric eq bands of audio input analysis to modulate various parameters. E:cue is the nicest commercial option I know of regarding sound to light capabilities, but is still somewhat limited.
Massimo Callegari

There's a ticket opened here for this:

But please read this before posting anything in that section:
Heiko Fanieng

Maybe a way for Mac OS X Users with Quartz Composer + OSC + QLC+:

I used Quartz Composer to get the audio input to an audio processor an then send it via OSC Sender to QLC+
Quartz-OSC-QLCPlus.jpg (55.3 KiB) Viewed 1235 times
Massimo Callegari

Super cool Heiko !
That's the kind of feedback I would like to see every day :)
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