OLA Support

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Heiko Fanieng

Hey Massimo,

thank you for this great Idea, i searched a good Software running on OS X for years. Is it possible to (re)implement support for OLA driven Devices like Enttec Open DMX-Interface?

Best regards
Massimo Callegari

Sure thing ! In these days there are so many things to do to restore QLC to its shining status :)
Next version will have the OLA plugin back. I just built against OLA 0.8.26 and it worked.
By the way, isn't the Enttec Open USB natively supported by QLC on OSX ? You shouldn't need OLA for that...at least on Linux and Windows
Heiko Fanieng

Thank you for that :) My DMX-Interface ist the Enttec Open DMX Ethernet, not the USB-Version. I'm looking forward for your QLC Plus Improvements :)
Johan Nilsson

ArtNet support for Windows would be nice!
Massimo Callegari

I know ! Might go into QLC+ in a near future ;)
Heiko Fanieng

Great Update - OSC is fine. But i'm still missing OLA-Support under OS X. Or evem ArtNet Support for my DMX-Interface.
Massimo Callegari

Hi. The OLA plugin is in the DMG package. Do you have OLA installed in your system ?
I compiled version 0.8.26 from sources, since the MacPorts installation is broken on my Lion box.
Probably QLC+ is looking for OLA in /usr/local, while the default should be /usr.
Can you try to copy the ola libraries in /usr/local and let me know ?

Heiko Fanieng

Thank you for your quick reply:) Yes OLA is installed in Version 0.8.26.

OK, i will try to find the folder /usr/local on my german OS X and copy the OLA-Files in it. Then I let you know if it was successfull or not.
Massimo Callegari

Ok, I've found the time to build another DMG which looks for OLA in the default path. I named it 4.1.1a. Can you please try it and let me know if it works ?
Thanks !

By the way are you interested in contributing with the translation ? The german one is 50% completed :(
Heiko Fanieng

I tried 4.1.1a without success. Can you tell me the default path of OLA? Yesterday i searched for more information about how it works, but i don't understand it. But i can access my interface via Webbrowser at http://localhost:9090/ola.html.

Please tell my how can i help with the translation?


OLA doesnt listen to localhost. Start OLA with option "-l3" and check your output or use the "ola_dev_info" command to find out under which ip OLA is running. If you are not connected to a LAN, you have to set a static ip manual on one your network interfaces.
Heiko Fanieng

Hi offtools,

OLA is started with the option -l3, und the static ip of the interface is set:
Device 1: ArtNet []

but i can't get the OLA-plugin for QLC+ to work.
Massimo Callegari

Wait. At this point I don't understand if you don't see the OLA universes listed in QLC+ or if you see them but can't get them work.
Can you please open a terminal (Apps->Utilities->Terminal) and type:

which olad

and report the output here ?

Regarding translations, you need to install Qt Linguist for OSX:
http://code.google.com/p/qtlinguistdown ... loads/list
then Download QLC+ source code, extract it and open all the _de_DE.ts files in the tree with Qt Linguist. The biggest one is ui/src/qlc_de_DE.ts
Heiko Fanieng

Here is the output:

131-heiko-faniengs-macbook-pro-wlan:~ heikofanieng$ which olad

Maybe thats the problem - /opt/local/bin instead of /usr/local/bin/olad ?

I don't chooes this path - installed ola with macports.
Massimo Callegari

Hi Heiko, I've just uploaded QLC+ 4.1.1b which looks for OLA in /opt/local.
Please let me know if it works, so I'll stick with this solution for the next releases.
I've included also your translation. Please check if everything's ok.
Heiko Fanieng

Thank you Massimo. But i can't find the Download for QLC+ 4.1.1b for testing. And maybe i can do some more translation over Christmas Days:) Now i found out to put the translations directly in my QLC+ Installation path and i can check it dircetly in the context of using QLC+
Massimo Callegari

I think I'm starting to hate Sourceforge.
I've uploaded the file like 5 times and SF always set it to pending.
Let's wait a bit and see if they decide to make it available

In the meantime...here it is:
QLC%2B_4.1.1b_online.png (22.17 KiB) Viewed 4946 times
Heiko Fanieng

You make me happy bevor Christmas :) Now OLA works. Now i can start at the first time to use DMX on my Mac :)
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