LTP Not persisting

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I determined that LTP is the best way to operate my moving heads + LED color changers / strobes given my understanding of the QLC platform. Not sure if this is by design, however I'm unable to get my color changers to persist to LTP mode. When QLC is running, under fixtures, I can confirm that the moving heads persist to LTP, however every time I change the color changers from HTP to LTP, save the project, close and re-launch QLC and load the recently saved project, color changers revert to HTP.

How can I persist them to LTP?

Thank you.


Can anyone help / confirm is this is by design or a bug?
Jano Svitok


there is a problem in how the HTP/LTP override is stored to workspace file.
channel can be forced to HTP, LTP which is good, but it can be forced to both, which doesn't make sense.

Until I (or anybody else) fix it, please:

1. make a backup copy of your qxw file
2. open it in a text editor
3. delete lines that start for every PAR definition that you have
4. save
5. open in QLC+

Thanks Jano. I removed the redundant force HTP / LTP lines. It appears to correctly persist now.
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