Hi there,
I would like some ideas on programming a midi desk for theater.
I would really like to create a lighting "desk" that puts my faders where a light or light group is in a scene. Kind of like how the simple desk reacts to dmx channels. I am hoping to accomplish this with midi feedback and a BCF2000.
I want to do this because in theater you want to be able to adjust several lights in one go.
How would I accomplish this?
Midi feedback works, so no problems there.
Linking a slider to a scene and playing that specific scene makes the slider react to the scene and in turn the midi feedback.
I have not been able to get anything else to work for my needs.
Next I have some feature suggestions:
Midi Mapping for Simple desk? (would solve all my problems
Slider linked to scene will move with scene percentage? (right now it just pops to 100% when a scene is activated in a cue list)
Slider linked to audio function to move with fade?
Sliders in level mode react to single channel dmx value?
Ability to assign slider to channel groups and have them react to dmx value?
I am loving the new features and am playing around with it a lot. What I am missing is responsiveness to see what is going on. In the Cue list I would love to have the line of the fading cue to fill as the fade time progresses, maybe a hold button so you can pause the fade at the current percentage.
these are just my ramblings. I want to use QLC+ to teach theater students how to easily setup simple lighting designs. It's just not completely there for theater I think. all in all still loving the program and I will keep using it. There is definately nothing like it.
Midi Control and some suggestions
I think what would work is if one could set up a slider that is linked to a specific channel on a specific fixture or the same channel on a group of identical fixtures. Then as QLC+ is playing scenes, cue lists, collections etc this slider is updated. This is not currently possible with QLC+.
If it was and the midi feedback works then you would have exactly what you describe - a scene sets the value, the slider on the virtual console changes, the midi feedback causes the slider on your board to physically change allowing the lighting operator to adjust levels, speeds, colours or what ever you have linked to the slider.
I suppose there are sliders where one does not want this behaviour so I envisage a tick box on the slider "Update with live" or something like that. This tick box is only available if the slider controls just one channel on one or more identical fixtures.
We just have to be patient until the devs add this feature.
If it was and the midi feedback works then you would have exactly what you describe - a scene sets the value, the slider on the virtual console changes, the midi feedback causes the slider on your board to physically change allowing the lighting operator to adjust levels, speeds, colours or what ever you have linked to the slider.
I suppose there are sliders where one does not want this behaviour so I envisage a tick box on the slider "Update with live" or something like that. This tick box is only available if the slider controls just one channel on one or more identical fixtures.
We just have to be patient until the devs add this feature.
Exactly! That would be completely awesome.
Kind of like how you can program any lighting desk to have specific channels under one fader. of course for it to respond and not crash, it would either need to be a single channel, a number of channels on the same value, etc.
I did discover the fact that channel groups can be assigned a midi note. This makes it so much easier to program functions using the simple desk!
Kind of like how you can program any lighting desk to have specific channels under one fader. of course for it to respond and not crash, it would either need to be a single channel, a number of channels on the same value, etc.
I did discover the fact that channel groups can be assigned a midi note. This makes it so much easier to program functions using the simple desk!