cues on simple desk

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Hello everybody.
I'm new on QLC+ and I think this soft is exactly what I need.
I 've created 3 cues on cuestack playback 1 on simple desk, but I don't understand how to play these cues. I made duration, fade in and out. But only first cue is on, the others stay off. Is it possible to use each playback as chaser? cue 1 then cue 2 ...
I hope you understand my english.
Thanx for your help.


I'm afraid you have to read the manual Jean Luc ! To play your cues, simply click on the arrow "next cue" ("ùéùoire suivante" in french)
if you want to do a chaser you have to gp in the function panel and not use the simple desk ("pupitre trad")

thank you for your explain.
Of course I read the manual, but I thought it was possible to use as chaser because there is duration fade in and fade out. I don't understand the utility of duration and fade?
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