QLC hangs on pressing release button on Simple Desk

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Hi, every time I press the release button on the simple desk (to stop overriding the dmx values) QLC hangs.

It's a windows XP laptop, using version 4.8.4

Any idea what could be causing this?

david garyga


Does this happen on an empty workspace ? Care to share a workspace file ?

When this happens, do you have to restart qlc+, or does it hang for a few seconds only ?

Massimo Callegari

Frank, please also specify which DMX adapter you are using.
I've noticed such kind of behaviour with bad adapters like Stageprofi.

I've also seen this when I use a cheap $50 DMX adapter (Vixen) I bought from Amazon but I do not see this when I use the Enttec Pro Mk 2 or with no adapter attached.

Hallo all,

The adapter is ENTTEC DMX USB PRO

When it hangs, I have to kill the task and restart QLC+

I will send the workspace asap (I don't have it on my computer).
I'm not sure if it also happens in an empty workspace, I can do a test.
david garyga

Another test to do: does it happen without your enttec dmx usb pro connected ?
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