Small issue about the timers controls

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Alex Ramos

Dear Massimo and rest of the development team,

I've been using QLC+ for some time now and I discovered a "usage detail" that I think that could be improved.

When trying to fix the fade in and fade out times within the timers window, when you roll the dial wheel it starts in ".1", not in ".01"... So, when you roll it up it goes from ".1" to ".2" and so on, and when you get to ".9" it passes down to ".10"

Have you noticed that? I think it is a little bug about a missing "0" in the lower values which the program confuses ".1" with ".01" and so...
And it is a bit annoying when trying to fix small times.

Well, I hope this is a small help from me and I think it should be easy to fix.

Thanks in advance.
Alex Ramos
Massimo Callegari

Please try a TEST version. Should be fixed by now ... /73d5dfcf/
Alex Ramos

Thanks Massimo, don't worry it is a small issue that doesn't affect the normal function and it is easy to workaround, so I can wait for the next stable version.

Thanks for you quick response.
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