Sourceforge forum issue

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Massimo Callegari

Hi, since last night all the posts on this forum require moderation.
So I'm having my email box flooded with requests of moderation.

I swear I didn't touch anything, so I suppose this is another sweet present from Sourceforge.

I am SICK of this place. I am thinking of buying a domain and move everything there.
I checked that is available.

If anyone have had a good experience with some web hosting service please share it here.
The basic requirements are:
- at least 8GB of web space (unlimited is preferred)
- unlimited bandwidth
- no file size restrictions (RPi images are 130MB big)
- SQL and PHP support to migrate this forum
- a couple of email addresses are a nice to have, even though I can live without them
- an affordable cost per year

Thanks for your patience
Joep Admiraal

I agree, the SF forums suck ;-)
Do you have any idea about the amount of traffic the site is using at the moment?

I know SourceForge was down about 24 hours ago - they had some kind of attack going on I think.

I've used for years and they're great. I don't know if 1tb of bandwidth a month is enough for you, and whether US$10 a month is out of your price range, but I can vouch for them. Fantastic support tickets as well at
You can choose from USA, Hong Kong or, you will be happy to hear, Europe for the server location.

I've been using for 2 years now and they've been great. I have the Linux economy plan for $6.99/month and it has 100GB storage, unlimited bandwidth, and 100 email addresses.

Weell, since I can't edit my post because it's awaiting moderation.... it also includes 10 MySQL databasses, and PHP.
Massimo Callegari

Thanks for the tips guys, I'll evaluate them and see if other options come up.
The biggest problem will be to migrate 6000+ posts of this forum into a new one :(

Not sure about one thing though: when they say "1GB of SQL database" does it include attachments as well ? If so, 1GB is not enough. If attachments are saved in the "web space" then it could be OK.
I could always limit attachments to 1MB anyway

Godaddy just says 10 MySQL databases. I don't think there's a 1GB limit... unless I missed that somewhere? I think it's just applied to your 100GB storage.
Massimo Callegari

Scroll this page ... ntryview=1 until "WAIT, THERE'S MORE!"

1GB database storage (MySQL Linux) or 200MB database storage (Windows SQL).

Ah... I missed that... sorry.

BTW, I can't edit my posts anymore either... Grrrr.

For 6-something Euro a month with icdsoft you get 100 SQL databases, and it doesn't seem like they limit the size - so it would just come out of your 100gb of server space.

EDIT - Ooo this wasn't moderated!
Daniel Nyström

Another option is to change forum into mailinglists, as many (most?)
other open source projects. It can still be split into several
sub-lists depending of audience.

For the rest; GitHub might help:
* Release handling with binaries support (up to 1GB) [1]
* GitHub Pages for [2]

For the mailing lists, there are several free services out there. [3]

And best of all; it's all free and minimal maintenance!

[1] ... -binaries/
[2] ... hub-pages/
[3] E.g.

2015-02-12 10:53 GMT+01:00 Massimo Callegari :
> Hi, since last night all the posts on this forum require moderation.
> So I'm having my email box flooded with requests of moderation.
> I swear I didn't touch anything, so I suppose this is another sweet present
> from Sourceforge.
> I am SICK of this place. I am thinking of buying a domain and move
> everything there.
> I checked that is available.
> If anyone have had a good experience with some web hosting service please
> share it here.
> The basic requirements are:
> - at least 8GB of web space (unlimited is preferred)
> - unlimited bandwidth
> - no file size restrictions (RPi images are 130MB big)
> - SQL and PHP support to migrate this forum
> - a couple of email addresses are a nice to have, even though I can live
> without them
> - an affordable cost per year
> Thanks for your patience
> ________________________________
> Sourceforge forum issue
> ________________________________
> Sent from because you indicated interest in
> To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit
Joep Admiraal

Why don't we use the release capabilities of GitHub to provide the binaries and RPi images? ... -binaries/

This way you only need a light simple hosting solution for the forum and website.
Another interesting solution is RPi hosting:
Massimo Callegari

OK, apparently Sourceforge solved the issue (until the next bug...)

**GitHub binaries**: it's an idea, but that's the only thing that works on Sourceforge. Also SF gives download statistics and charts, while GH doesn't.
Furthermore, RPi images are not public.

**GitHub hosting**: in any case you need a DNS provider (non free afaik)

**Forum as mailing lists**: personally, it's something that I hate. A forum gives you a nickname "protection", a mailing list exposes your email address. Something I'd like to avoid like hell.
I know also that huge projects like the Linux kernel work on source patches via email ! That's like making dinosaurs walking on earth back again. Sites like GitHub would not even exist if everyone would work in that way.
I like to find compromises between efficiency and user friendliness, keeping privacy in mind.

**Raspberry colocation**: didn't know that existed. I've a quick read, but apparently a host is bound to a specific Raspberry Pi. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Joep Admiraal

**GitHub hosting**
DNS is cheap: 10 euro/year.

**Forum as mailing lists**
I also like forums.

** Raspberry colocation **
What do you mean by bound to a specific Raspberry Pi?
Massimo Callegari

They say:

What do you need?
- Your own Raspberry Pi, or one of ours
- A configured static IP adres
- A solid (plastic) case for the RPi
- An SD card with bootable OS

Also, check out the application page:

It looks to me like a service clearly meant to bring your Raspberry into the cloud
Joep Admiraal

Yeah that's what I had in mind.
Just give them a Raspberry and install apache, mysql, etc on it.
Then buy a domain name and point it to the ip address of the Raspberry.
It's more work since you'd have to maintain the installation yourself, but you have more freedom since you can just login to the machine.
Massimo Callegari

Wow, so you're suggesting to move all the Sourceforge services into a Raspberry Pi ?
Have you got any idea of how many website accesses and downloads users do every day ?

Moreover, I'd need to have a RPi always connected at home, with a static IP that my ISP doesn't provide me.

Sorry, not feasible for me.
Joep Admiraal

Neh, only simple website + forum hosting.
I don't know how heavy a simple forum would be, but a static website is no problem for the Raspberry.
Also you don't need anything at home.
They will mount the Raspberry in their datacenter.

However it will take more time so I don't think it is the way to go.
Matthew Marks

It seems quite bizarre to fill a data centre with Raspberry Pis, compared with many virtual servers running per powerful machine. Virtual servers can leverage the far greater computing power of the whole machine under spiky (i.e. most) load conditions and can be created and torn down or their capabilites (RAM, storage) changed at will without touching the hardware. Raspberry Pis excel when you need something in a particular location for hardware interfacing or to be on a LAN. Putting them in the cloud sounds like a gimmick.

I have a UK-hosted Debian virtual server with 27GB (formatted) disk and 600GB monthly data allowance for £4.13/month. If you pay more you get a higher guaranteed uptime - but it's already apparently 99.9%.
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