Even though 4.8.3 isn't exactly new, I just noticed an issue last night with 4.8.3 which doesn't exist in 4.8.2. In my setup, I have a regular multi-page frame inside of a solo frame (which has one more button in the solo frame). In 4.8.2. any button I press in the regular frame (inside of the solo frame) will deselect any other selected button. In 4.8.3, this doesn't work correctly anymore.
I've attached my working file for reference.
Solo Frame Issue Introduced in 4.8.3 (Not Present in 4.8.2)
This has already been fixed in GIT.
( https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/c ... cd8a1d6e9b )
4.8.4 Will contain the fix
Thanks for reporting
( https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/c ... cd8a1d6e9b )
4.8.4 Will contain the fix
Thanks for reporting