Global audio trigger - more than 1 chase

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I would like to run simultaneously 3 chase in audio mode.
whether it is possible to create a trigger common to more than one chase?


Please try putting all chases in a collection and then triggering them by an audio widget.

trigger must run "cuelist" ...
in "cuelist" can not choose "collection", only "chase".

I made a "button" with a "collection"
I have a trigger with the "button"

It does not work :(

A trigger must not run a cuelist as far as I know. Simply select function for the audio spectrum bar you want it for and then chose your collection you put the chases in.

Don't trigger a button with the collection, trigger the collection directly. That should work.


triger > vc widget: only vidgets from "virtual console" (how to add a collection here?)
triger > function: "collection". But only first scene...

My chasers:
Fade-in speed: default
Fade-out speed: default
Step Duration: commmon
Common hold: infinity

Any idea?

What I meant was the second way you described but now I understand the problem:

QLC only triggers the collection but then does not cycle through every scene of the chasers. It stays in the first scene?
Does the audio widget work on single scenes? I mean: Are you sure the problem is not in the Input or setup of the audio widget and is located in the "selecting several functions" problem?

i need to run 5 "Chasers in audio mode" with 1 button or widget...

Any solution?
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