Video quality

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Hi Massimo, hi all,

First of all thank you for this wonderful software.

I want to synchronize a video and lights with QLC+. I have a problem with the quality of my video. Indeed I use a HD video and when I run the show then the video is of poor quality. QLC+ does not detect the codec or resolution of the video. Is there a way to get a good quality output? For your information, I am working with Windows Seven 64 bits.

Thank you.


Some additional details:

I am using the last release of QLC+ (4.8.3).
You can see my video before treatment with QLC+ (beforeQLCPLUS.png) and after treatment with QLC+ (afterQLCPLUS.png). In the second picture, the quality is low :(
This is a mpg video but no codec or resolution is detected by the software (codecQLCPLUS.png).

How to synchronize a video and lights without losing quality? Do I have to use another program like xjadeo with Jack?

codecQLCPLUS.png (13.98 KiB) Viewed 438 times
beforeQLCPLUS.png (178.58 KiB) Viewed 438 times
afterQLCPLUS.png (31.09 KiB) Viewed 438 times

Did someone already synchronize video and lights?
Jano Svitok

What codec does the video use? Can you upload the video somewhere?

I have the same problem with AVI videos. For example you can download my test video [here]( ... sp=sharing)

The codec of this video should be dvsd (DVC/DV Video).
But QLC+ doesn't recognize it.

I tried with Xubuntu 14.10, the latest source of QLC + compiled with Qt 5.4 but I have the same problem.

It is possible to synchronize video with qlcplus and another software using MIDI, ArtNet or other? Anyone know how to do?
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