QLC+ and Philips Data Enabler Pro network IP configuration

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I am having troubles to connect with the Philips Data Enabler Pro through the QLC+ ins/outs. The data enabler can receive Dmx signal directly or through the network ethernet. it has an IP address which works if I connect the box DE Pro with my macbook pro directly. and it works. the IP can be reprogrammed to work through a router.

How do I set it up so I can control my Philips LED RGB Fixtures?
Thank you!!

Data Enabler Pro info: http://www.colorkinetics.com/ls/pds/dataenablerpro/
Jano Svitok


DE Pro is controlled using KINET protocol. The bad news is that QLC+ currently doesn't support this protocol. The good news is that the protocol is known, so it's possible to write support.


Kinet protocol is already supported by OLA (https://wiki.openlighting.org/index.php/OLA) so if you are using Linux, you can use QLC+ OLA plugin to talk to KINET (alternatively use OLA as Artnet->kinet translator).
Jano Svitok

Don't hesitate to ask if you get stuck, either with OLA configuration or
QLC+. Note that it's possible that none of the forum users have the Phillips device, so we'll be guessing things. Nevertheless, it should be possible to get it to work.

I suggest you start with OLA configuration since it has built-in DMX console. When that works, move on to QLC+ configuration -- start with Simple Desk.

This is help for OLA Kinet plugin:

Config Location: ~/.ola/ola-kinet.conf

KiNET Plugin

This plugin creates a single device with multiple output ports. Each port
represents a power supply. This plugin uses the V1 DMX-Out version of the
KiNET protocol

--- Config file : ola-kinet.conf ---

power_supply =
The IP of the power supply to send to. You can communicate with more than
one power supply by adding multiple power_supply = lines

Jano thanks for the info!! yeah I see as always it can not be simple haha
Yeah I want to make it work through network as I do not have to deal with an external usb dmx interface. but is it is too complicated through network I'll spend the money on Dmx. I do not use linux just osx 10.9.5 I want to be able to control the lights with my DAW Ableton Live and a vj software.
I'll check out the links and see if I can make it work. I ll get back yo you thx again

small question: If I use QLC+ and a usb dmx box from my mac to communicate with the DE Pro do I still have to convert the dmx messages to the kinet protocol or is that only over network? From What I understood that the DEP should be able to accept dmx messages unless there are different dmx protocols. sorry I am new to dmx, I know Midi very well tho.
Jano Svitok

If you get a DMX device, the network/KINET is not needed. KINET is just a way (protocol) how to send DMX data over network. There is only one DMX :)

Good news: OLA is able to run on OS X :) see https://www.openlighting.org/ola/gettin ... downloads/

Since it seems that QLC+ doesn't support OLA plugin on OS X, you'll have to use either ArtNet or e1.31 between QLC+ and OLA.

Alternatively, you could run OLA in linux in a virtual machine.
Massimo Callegari

The OLA plugin is supposed to be working on OSX. At least that's the goal.
I normally bundle it in the DMG package.
Jano Svitok

I see. I saw "unix" scope in the qmake file, and didn't realize that unix includes macx... Sorry for the confusion.

hey don't be sorry you saved me lots of headaches trying to decipher all this so I can get creative and not waste my time with technical bs which changes every month :)
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Hey I'm using qlc+ (on linux) with ola kinet plugin to control data enabler pro with icolor cove MX fixtures. Everything works fine !
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