Several scenes simultaneously

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Hi Guys.

Could someone please explain how I simultaneously Views several scenes?

However, not that I would have to press multiple buttons simultaneously.

Thanks in advance.

Create a 'collection' that contains each of your scenes, and then trigger the collection with a button?
david garyga

Your question misses informations.
What does "Views" mean ?

Let's say you want to RUN several scenes from one button in the VirtualConsole.
For this, you can create a collection function in the function editor, and add several scenes to this collection.
Then, in the virtualconsole, associate a button to the collection you just created.


Thanks. Works perfect :)
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Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:08 pm
Real Name: Adam Fresk

I have this same question, but the other way around, so to speak.

Is it possible to trigger several scenes at once *without* using the collection function, and instead by pressning several buttons at once? For me, this would actually be a more efficient method, not having to dedicate yet another button to a function. It would give me the possibility to control a larger combination of scenes without having to increase the number of dedicated controls. Working with midi, this would grant more options...

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Trough the use of loopback channels you could accomplish this.
That's to say that one button (bound to a cue firing tad loopback channels and these loopback channels bound to buttons in VC as input) would be in control of many functions.
An other button (doing the same but to other channels in loopback universe) would fire other functions.
Complexity would rise extremely but with a nice input-profile it would be faisable - as long as the 'end' functions will have to be very 'pure and clean' ... (no combined intensities and colors f.i. - because the could be present in different cue's and firing them at random will produce very unwanted effects I can imagine)
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