Busy programming about 20 fixtures for a show - there are 2 groups of 6 identical fixtures and I'll end up with about 50 scenes. Often I would like to make mass adjustments that are very similar to many of the scenes and fixtures. Currently this is a bit of tedious activity going from scene to scene and then fixture to fixture.
So I was thinking: What if there was a spreadsheet style editor with say all the channels in columns, and the scenes in rows, no sliders just the values that I can enter by keyboard. Maybe allow the values to increment/decrement with scroll button or arrows like the speed dial entry fields.
I was thinking that it could run using a folder (or a chaser) as source of scenes and then let the user pick which columns he/she wants included of each fixture. There are many channels in fixtures that you almost never touch so they just occupy space, a way of removing them would be fantastic.
Now I can easily copy/paste fields etc. This would make for FAST editing, especially where a director wants you to change a lot of things when you do not have that much time.