Background image in 2D Fixture Monitor not displaying (Mac OSX)

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Am I doing something wrong? I'm trying to add a JPG background image of the floorplan to the 2D Fixture monitor window, but it doesn't display, still showing as a black background.

Is no one else having this problem? Is there something else that needs to be done, other than choosing an image file for the 'common background' setting? Or does something else need to be doneto enable it? Or is it something to do with what file type/size is used?
Janosch Frank


this might be a Mac only problem, works for me on Linux.

Please answer a few questions:

Are there black areas in the image and did you size it to the size of the 2D Monitor? It will be compressed otherwise.

Which version of QLC+ are you using on which version of OS X?
Which QT version do you have?
Did you try it with various versions of QLC+?

Are you able to compile from source and give us debug logs?

The Mac build seems to be a bit fragile, OS X unfortunately is not always developer friendly.


It's a black and white image, in fact here it is attached. 900x780 JPG
I'm using the latest build of QLC+ (4.8.1) but this was also the case in the 4.8.0 build.

Using new Yosemite version of OSX, but again, this problem was there before I upgraded from Mavericks. I can only assume Quicktime is the latest version.

Compile from source and provide debug logs might be a bit beyond me I'm afraid!
MadelineLightingPlot.jpg (11.1 KiB) Viewed 530 times

OK very simple fix people - OSX doesn't like JPG files. Converted it to a .PNG and it's all good!
Massimo Callegari

Hi, can you please try this development version to see if it accepts JPEG pictures ? ... /5ed9680a/

Tried it. JPG doesn't work in that build either. PNG is fine.
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