QLC+ is great, but

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I have a QLC+ setup working great, QLC+ is a brilliant project, even if very complex. Please keep up the great work.

I have however run in to some limitations. I have checked the manual but neither of my questions seem to be answered there. Forgive me if the first is, but the second is a bit obscure. Any help is appreciated so thanks to any one in advance if they give it.

1) Assign more than one input in the virtual console buttons (or similar). For example, control a scanner with both OSC and a joystick.

2) Control virtual console buttons (or similar) via pebble. Pebble is a smart watch that connects to your phone. The furthest I can get is to find that pebble apps exist that control taker (an automation app on android). Tasker is capable of doing things such as HTTP post.
Massimo Callegari


1) unfortunately at the moment it is not possible. Discussed several times in this forum. Maybe in the next major relase (QLC+ 5.0.0) it will.

2) QLC+ has a web interface and a number of APIs that you can call to control your Virtual Console. Check this out: http://www.qlcplus.org/Test_Web_API.html

Thanks a lot. I'll give the API a go.
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