Speed dial layout

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Chris Laurie

Since the speed dial received attention recently I thought I would add my suggestions. The speed dial takes up a huge chunk of screen real estate. For my use case, I really only need the seconds field. I move the mouse over it and use the scroll wheel to adjust it. I also link a slider on a controller to it. This speed dial then controls the the fade in/out times of a whole bunch of scenes mapped to buttons in a solo frame. This way I use the speed dial to determine the speed of the next fade between the programmed scenes.

I would like the possibility to reduce the number of sub-controls on the speed dial, thereby reducing it screen footprint. If possible, I would have just the seconds field, and maybe a name. I suggest adding a layout tab tot the widget's properties screen, that has switches for which of the sub-controls to display and maybe set the margin around the controls, which is quite big for small screen laptops.
Massimo Callegari

Hi Chris, you really want me to rewrite QLC+ from scratch, do you ? :)

I would say you can use the collapse/expand button of frames to save space on your virtual console.
Since I guess you won't use speed dials the whole time, you can place them in a frame and collapse it.
Then when you need them, just open it up, make the change, and collapse it back again.

Fair enough ?
Chris Laurie

H Massimo, it's really not my intention. I just see something and post the idea and hoping that a) it is simple to implement and b) other users share my opinion.

Having the speed dial stuck on a page in a frame is not really workable. This application is for concerts we have where as the lighting guy, you do not know what is coming. So I set up a bunch of scenes in a solo frame. The operator decide live what the speed of the next transition must be. If it is on page somewhere, he will page away from something else making the operation cumbersome.

If one could make a fader set the fade in/out values of scenes then it would work as I can make the slider small enough.


How about grabbing one of the Korg Nano controllers and mapping the fade control to a physical slider?

You could also perhaps use one for the grand master.

I'm looking at going this route as our local lighting op is happier with essentials on physical controls rather than touchscreen.
Chris Laurie

Hi Charles

I actually use an external HID device that I build myself. The problem is that currently the controller board I use (leobodnar) only allows 8 sliders and these are in use. So I need to add a speed dial for the fade in/out control to the screen for use with a mouse - hence the problem with real estate.

I need the operator to visually see the number of seconds his next crossfade is going to be and change it with his mouse wheel. Unfortunately, I inherit the up/down buttons, tap button, the knob and the hour, second and 100ths of second fields as well as a name and a substantial margin around these controls.

I was hoping a bunch of switches can control which of the sub-controls will be populated, but I know that coding is mostly not that simple.

It is a wishlist thing and not huge priority for me - just helping to make QLC+ a great program for use in theatre as well.

I thought that seeing the settings might be the issue.

At the risk of a small diversion is this the board you are using?
http://www.leobodnar.com/shop/index.php ... cts_id=204

Does it appear in QLC+ as a Joystick device?

I may well go down the route of building a customer controller myself.
Chris Laurie

Yup, that's the one. It shows up as a normal joystick. The latest incarnation is shown here. It can have only 8 sliders.

A future version is planned using the Teensy board.
Acron.JS4.jpg (3.98 KiB) Viewed 735 times
Massimo Callegari

OK, I've had another look at the Speed Dial layout.
I think I can save 30-40 vertical pixels in this way:

- remove the "Duration" top label, which doesn't give any additional value to the widget
- turn the "Infinite" check box into an option so the user can make it visible or not. Do you guys really use it during live shows ?
I would say it should be hidden by default.
Massimo Callegari

Oh, wait. The top label is the widget name. Can't be removed. :(
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