Gobos presentation

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I tried to set all 178 gobos pictures from my laser warna with fixtures

It works, but under QLC+, they are displayed like this (i'm on dual

I tried on each screen.

The display is like 1.jpg on a single screen computer.

It seems that it could be optimized.

Thx a lot and Good Luck !
1.jpg (3.99 KiB) Viewed 417 times
2.jpg (12.57 KiB) Viewed 417 times

For now I would stick to adding the patterns you want to use to buttons in the Virtual Console. You could then have a graphic representation of what will happen when that function is activated without needing a video wall for the pics.

I'm glad you found this before I started creating images for the laser patterns. I have another problem though: two channels are required to select the pattern, one for group and one for the pattern within that group so I too would need functions creating to show each pattern.

Massimo Callegari

Hi please share the gobos and the fixture.
I can't help without them

SEVO is not the manufacturer's name. It's like a folder, for easily retrieve our fixtures...
(194.97 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
Massimo Callegari

Ok, I've seen it. The problem is that each preset cell has an hardcoded width of 150 pixels.
I need to make it dynamic for cases like yours
Massimo Callegari

Fixed on GIT
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