Use of led strip

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I am new user QLC+ and new in lighting technics. I use the program for lighting a toytheater and will use only led strips (RGB and mono-white). I use a USB-DMX interface with an Arduino and Conceptinetics DMX shields. I have no problem with the RGB led strip (generic fixture), but impossible to define a generic fixture for the mono-white led strip, I have tried several combinations, but without success. Are there some restrictions for this kind of led strip with QLC+? Thanks in advance for your help.

No manuals or further info? Manufacturer, seller even? Is it DMX at all? Photos? Please elaborate, so you can then share some pics of this with all when it's working.



I give you more explanation of my problem.
First I have given a bad information about the DMX shields they are not from Conceptinetics (see my explanation).

I use as master to send DMX data a transceiver MAX485 connected to an Arduino Uno
( and as slave 3 led controller DMX 512 decoder driver 3-ch, bought on eBay, for specifications see : ... 1299388963
As power I use a 6v battery for Arduino and the master shields, a 12V battery for the DMX shields and the led strips.
When I connect a RGB led strip, I have no problem, choice of color and fade in and out are OK, but when I connect a mono-white led strip, it doesn’t work, whatever I use as generic fixture.
I use only led strips for lighting a little toy theater (RGB and mono).
I hope I have given a complete explication of the asssembly.

So, the LED fixtures are not DMX at all. They are controlled by the 3 open drain outputs from the RGB controller mentioned in the link, powered from a 12V battery (The outputs are switches to GND to turn the lights on).

Now the white: You have used up all of the outputs from the controller card so would need another card on a different DMX address (4-6), to use more LEDs. To test the white panel, connect it up instead of the red LEDs and use the red fader in QLC+ to try to make it work.

If the white works on this channel (it is 12V, right?), go ahead and by another controller for those white LEDs. Then, daisy chain the DMX cable from the first to second controller as per the instructions and set the DMX address to 4 (DIP switches: 0010000000, going up).

Try channel 4 in QLC+'s Simple Desk and hope. If you get white, create a generic dimmer fixture on channel 4 get on with it.

Best of luck.

If the white strip doesn't work when placed directly in place of the red, there could be these issues:

1. 12V too low for the white panel - I've no info on the panel so can't comment.
2. Connected backwards.
3. Faulty panel (works across 12V direct?).

Can't think of anything else, but basically QLC+ is most definitely not the problem. As a little joke, I've attached a fixture definition for you. It appears under don't-know unfortunately as I've no information on it.
(896 Bytes) Downloaded 204 times

Thanks for your answer, I have 3 controllers daisy chained as slave and I use channel 4 for the white led strip, I also tried with only one slave and only the white led strip without result.
My led strip is a warm white 5050 12V led strip. When I connect the led strip directly to the 12V Battery, it's OK.
I also have a response from the manufactory of the controllers and they say with a channel it should work. I will try morrow your suggestion. Wait and see.

Connect the anode of the white panel to the same 12V supply as the working RGB panel.

Use QLC+ to get the RGB fixture working at medium intensity colour over DMX (so you know when things change, 127-127-127, for example).

Connect the white panel cathode to ground on the RGB controller you're using above. It should work off the controller's 12V then without the DMX, according to what you say.

Not touching a thing and keeping everything on medium level, disconnect the red output and connect the white cathode wire. That should now run the white from the red channel output at half strength. If it does not, you have broken the laws of physics, my friend.

Or the white panel has weird clever electronics it that LED PWM is killing?

Your suggestion was logic, when I replace a colour of the RGB fixture with the white colour, it's OK, fade in and out works well. But impossible to connect the white led strip alone on an other channel, QLC+ don't recognize the led strip. I tried different combinations of fixture and your fixture without success. I don't understand what is wrong, in French we say "Je donne ma langue au chat" (I give my tongue to the cat). After a good night maybe a luminous idea. Thanks for your help.
david garyga

You don't have to try combinations of fixtures for this test, just play with the simple console.
What address did you set on the led controller on which you attach the white strip ?
Try putting the same address on both controllers ( 1 ), and play with channels 1, 2 and 3 in QLC+ simple console.
Try connectiog the RGB strip on the other controller, maybe it's broken ?
Also, QLC+ doesn't need to "recognize" anything in this case, it just broadcasts the values you assign on each dmx channel to the DMX slaves connected in the chain.

I am new with QLC+, what you mean with simple console. I define a fixture, make a scene, add the fixture and try, is there something easier? The address of the first RGB led strip is 1, if I connect a second one on the second controller it's 5, and on the third one the address is 9, and when I connect a led strip they work well. The controllers are daisy chained, and don't have an address. Now if I define a RGB fixture and connect 3 white led trips on the three colours the led strips work fine, but if I define a fixture for one white led trip, the led strip doesn't works. I don't understand why. Regards.

User error here I think. ;) which is always good news...

Daisy chain two controllers on the same DMX address with your two fixtures. Click 'SIMPLE CONSOLE' on the tab at the bottom of the screen. Each slider then sends signals on a DMX channel REGARDLESS of fixtures or any other rubbish. If both controllers are working, fader 1 should turn up the red and white from both controllers.

As Mr Garyga says, there's no USB-type return comms from the lights, all they do is listen. Do you understand how the DIP switches on the controllers work by the way because this may be a case of RTFM.

Let us know when it's working after you have the eureka! moment.

DMX uses TDM to output the signals using a polling system (I wrote that on purpose). Each fixture ignores data by counting until the amount of bytes received equals its 'DMX address', at which point it records the data and does its thang to the connected fixtures.

I'm guessing there's a 12V supply missing somewhere or an open ground. You have to be methodical with electronics.

Arduino works well, the master and the 3 slaves also. What else? The battery, as Boxy said, a lead acid battery 12V 6.5 Ah? I recharge and it gives a full load directly, this is not normal. Luckily I had a big battery 12v 24Ah, I change and everything works, three controllers with 3 RGB led strip. I change a RGB led strip with three white led strips and everything works fine. What a shame, the first battery was probably defective and had not enough power for the entire installation, but it was only 2 years old. Apologies and all my thanks for your help.

No apologies required. That's why I mentioned the 'eureka' moment!
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