Hi, i have a new issue with vcbutton

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Davide Stemio

Hi, the problem is on buttons relayed to scene of some machines on universe 2:
i attach a qxw file to explain that....

the upper buttons are for change color to devices on universe 1 and are in toggle_on/off way.
if i click on a button, that button result pressed, and i can have feedback in virtual console and on my novation launchpad mini. the second click release the button.

there are other buttons for change color to other devices (on universe2) and that are too in toggle_on/off way....
if i click that buttons i have dmx output setted to new status (as assigned to button), but on virtual console i see button released instantly after the click, and same thing on my novation launchpad mini.....
if i re-click one of that buttons i have same think as button is in flash way.

thanks in advance
(55.24 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
Jano Svitok

This is normal behavior for LTP channels. I don't think that's the way QLC+ should behave, but until somebody fixes it, it will work this way.
i.e. for LTP channels:
- the last value stays, even if the function is not running anymore
- buttons do not stay pressed

One solution is to have "no color" button that will turn the colors off.

I looked into this, but didn't find a solution yet.
Davide Stemio

ah ok, the important thing is that it works...thanks so much for your helping...
Michael Clements

To force the button to stay pressed, include a dummy (i.e. does not control a fixture) HTP channel in the scene.

Otherwise, I find the release of the button useful for seeing when a timed LTP change (e.g. scroller colour change, slow pan / tilt movement) has completed.

The LTP values should stay after the button is released in toggle mode, but, in my opinion, when in flash mode the LTP values that existed before the button was pressed should be resent when it is released. See detailed discussion here:

https://sourceforge.net/p/qlcplus/discu ... 1539/#a39b
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