delay/wait time workaround

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For the ones interested I've figure out this workaround to obtain delay and wait times inside the cue list, if someone has any alternatives please let us know.

Delay Time fade-out:
create a collection with the acctual cue and the next one and add it to the cue list, then add just the next cue as always, the result is that the next cue will start to fade while the actual one will wait the step (collection) time.
2 issues:
-it's not possible to control the collection general level with the cue-list 1st fader or sub;
-after the collection step the cue list will jump the "next" cue because it's the same of the collection >> just add 2 times in the cue list the "next" cue or record the collection with a copy of it, I'll enclose my test so maybe it will be more clear.

Wait Time fade-in:
much more simple, just add an empty cue in the list, the actual cue will start to fade while the next will wait for the "fake" cue time.

In the same way, with collections, it's possible to achive split time cues.
Hope this can help.

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