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Mike Scholman

I have been playing with the animations feature, but noticed that as part of the RGBMatrix, they have a set color defined (red by default). Is it possible to setup animations that leave the current color scheme intact and simply fade fixtures to black in the various patterns rather than a defined color? Setting the defined color to black doesn't do it. I have done similar in Light Jockey by applying the pattern to the fixtures' dimmer channel rather than an RGB color channel.

Mike Scholman

I'm loving this program - spending way too much time playing with all of the bells and whistles :)

In order to approximate this I created multiple scenes where the only channel selected was Intensity for the LED fixtures I wanted to black and set it to a value of 1. I then used a Chaser to link the scenes together and put a speed dial on the virtual console to control the fade-in/fade-out/duration of the scenes. Seems to work OK and tap-to-click is nice as well. I think I needed to set the Intensity channel to LTP as well in order for this to work.
2014-04-30_15h11_23.png (2.55 KiB) Viewed 274 times
Lorenzo Moreschini

Another possible workaround is to create a Matrix effect with colour set to rgb(1,1,1) in order to easily override these values with others from other scenes.
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