Minor 4.7.0 Issues

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George Qualley

Now that I've had some time to program a bit using 4.7.0, I've noticed a few minor problems. None of these are new, but I believe some work was done in these areas so I thought I would mention them.

1) I've experienced a couple of crashes when selecting a pattern in the RGB matrix editor while QLC+ is operate mode and chases are running.

2) I've again had issues with folders turning into scenes or chasers when those items are dragged into them. I know this was looked at before and mostly fixed. It certainly doesn't occur as often as it used to so that's definitely good. Also (and this is new), the problem does seem to mostly resolve itself after closing and reopening a show. So, it's not a big issue.

3) (Somewhat related to the foregoing issue) I do have one folder of scenes that refuses to stay put inside of another folder. For example, I put this particular folder inside of another folder and save the project. Everything seems to be OK until I reopen the project and then it's back to it's original location at the top level of the scenes. Again, not a big issue, just thought I would mention it.

4) It seems that there is no way to rename fixture groups. IIRC, in the past, this could be done by right-clicking on a fixture group and selecting "Properties..." Unfortunately, this menu is always inactive for me, thus leaving no way to rename.

Other than that, 4.7.0 has been working great for me lately. As you can see from the foregoing problems, everything that I have encountered is limited to programming so that's definitely less critical in my book.
Santiago Benejam Torres

I suffered the same issue as 3). Create a folder and put it in another folder, and on reopen the project the folder is in the original location. The folder always appears on scenes root.
Massimo Callegari

Hi George.

1 and 2, please identify a way to reproduce them. I tried a few combination to reproduce 2 but I wasn't able

3) fixed. Thanks for spotting this out

4) It is possible to rename a fixture group by clicking on it and going to the top right corner of the fixture group editor. You find the group name and it can be changed there
George Qualley


1) Fortunately, this issue has happened to me only twice and it's not something that I can reliably reproduce. The best that I can describe it is that it just feels like QLC+ hangs and eventually crashes in this scenario. I know that's not very helpful from a troubleshooting perspective, but unfortunately, that's the best I've got at this point.

2) This issue is very similar to what I was experiencing in an earlier version of QLC+ (although it is much less frequent). And again, this isn't something that I can consistently reproduce. However, the general scenario when this occurs is that I have a folder selected and I create a new chase (or scene). The folder turns into whatever thing I just made (i.e. a scene or a chase) which appears to have other scenes (chases) inside of it. Like I said, QLC+ does seem clean this up when the project is reloaded.

3) Great!

4) I've attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing in the Fixture Group tab. I hope I'm not going to feel stupid, but are you seeing a spot to edit the name? I know I've been able to do it in the past, but I'm just not seeing it now. (I have my fingers crossed that this is actually a bug and I'm not an idiot :) )
Screen%20Shot%202014-04-19%20at%2010.38.41%20PM.png (6.81 KiB) Viewed 301 times
Massimo Callegari

Hi George, if I'm right #4 is a trivial issue :)
I guess you tried some of my Qt5 based releases, and when you went back to a Qt4 based release, the right panel in the Fixture Manager disappeared.
Just go with your mouse to the right edge of the window and you'll find a way to bring the panel back by dragging it to the left.
The panel is there. It just has a 0 width
George Qualley

Ha, indeed it is trivial. Now that looks familiar :) Perhaps that pane should default to being open when the application is reopened? Obviously something like this might confuse the less savvy users ;)
Massimo Callegari

Well, Qt4 and Qt5 have quite a number of changes, so switching from one to the other might lead to weird things like the one you found.
When I will release stable Qt5 based versions, users will be informed to remove the configuration file if they want to switch back to a Qt4 version.
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