Just wanted to say - great work, I am truly impressed!

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Viktor Nova

Hello! This is my first post, and let me just say I am very happy and excited to see how far this wonderful software has come in the past few years since Massimo has adopted the project and taken it to new levels.

My name is Viktor, and I used original QLC in the early days, using a MIDI sequencer (EnergyXT on Linux) to play the light show in time with the music for my old band. It's been a few years since that project has played so I've been away, now I'm back with a vengeance and am very impressed with all of the new features, and very grateful this project is living on and has continued to get better. I'm especially excited about the web interface -- amazing.

I am looking forward to features which I see are already planned - Jack audio input, transport sync, and undo! Keep up the good work! I will be using QLC+ regularly starting now, and will absolutely help with testing new features and reporting feedback, as well as contributing any fixture definitions for my shipment of no-name fixtures from China that should be arriving soon (if they don't already exist) Keep up the good work!

Viktor Nova

Portland, Oregon USA
Markus Harthum

I just wanted to agree:)

I'm using QLC+ on film sets and was a little afraid of stability issues, but so far it didn't crash once and working with the QLC+ and BCF2000 Setup is so much easier then using one of the old 12/24 Consoles. We used to have three guys sitting at the faders doing crazy lighting effects and now i can trigger it with one button!

Thanks a lot!
Massimo Callegari

Thanks guys :)
Remember that donations are always welcome :) They allow me to purchase some more devices and extend the software compatibility list
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:44 am
Real Name: Matt Wortley

I'm working on getting a DJ/Light Controller setup for my Daughter, and I am SO thankful this package exists! I'm trying to get sound triggered events going and have been stubbornly trying to get it to work with the Jack Audio Server. +1 on making it Jack aware some day! Until then I guess I can try making a loopback patch cable?
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Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:21 pm
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+1 I agree, your work is very much appreciated!
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