Disabled fixtures disappear from scenes

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Matthew Marks

(4.7.0RC1) If I add a fixture to a scene without enabling any channels, or subsequently disable all the channels on a fixture, when I return to that scene the fixture has disappeared. I feel this is counter-intuitive - even though it's not doing anything, it shouldn't disappear unless it's explicitly removed.

Also, a very minor point but the remove fixture button is still active, and produces the "are you sure?" dialogue, even if no fixtures are selected.
Matthew Marks

Also, I've had odd things going on when editing scenes which I think is a result of this deletion of disabled fixtures; here's an example. Start afresh and add three single-channel dimmers. Create a scene with all these dimmers in it, Enable dimmer 1 and dimmer 3, and bring up their levels. Press the new scene button but then immediately return to the original scene. Not only has dimmer 2 disappeared, but there is no output from dimmers 1 and 3 even though their slider positions are not at zero. If you move the slider on a dimmer, its output is restored, or if you go into operate mode and back into edit mode, both outputs are restored.
Matthew Marks

I've just noticed a problem which is related but is not dependent on whether channels in a fixture are enabled or not: if you select any fixtures in the General tab (and once you've selected any you can't deselect them all again), their tabs are all there in tab view but if you press the all channels view button, the non-selected fixtures disappear, and their tabs have gone if you press the all channels view button again.

I know some work has been done in this area since RC1, following my request to make the state of the all channels view persistent, so later versions might behave differently.
Jano Svitok

This is caused by the way the scenes are implemented. It's a collection of so called scene values, each containing . Fixtures are computed from these scene values.

I agree that this behavior is not intuitive/convenient.
Massimo Callegari

I understand this.
A quick workaround is to enable at least one channel per fixture.

@Jano please do not merge changes for this until 4.7.0 is released. I'm afraid it will require an invasive work on the Scene class
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