Sub Folder refuses to stay in parent folder

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Got a problem here. Trying to make a sub folder stay in another folder, all is well until I save and exit, afterwards on reopening the workspace it escapes the parent folder. I've recreated both the subfolder and parent folder to no avail. Any ideas? Really really confused.

Connor Faulder

Just testes on Windows 7 running 4.7.0 RC1 and Ubuntu 13.10 running latest RC2 from Github.

I had the same problem as above with RC1 on Windows 7 but not RC2 on Ubuntu.

Is it the OS or software version causing the difference?
Massimo Callegari

Hi, well, I don't think so, but I don't remember making changes on the folders code.
Can you please indicate the exact steps from an empty project so I can try to reproduce the issue as well ?

You can also try a TEST snapshot of RC2 for Windows here: ... /08161283/

It's based on Qt5, but for your tests it shouldn't make a difference
Connor Faulder

The steps I took were as follows,

*Create a blank workspace
*Under functions create 3 or so blank scenes (no fixtures)
*Create 2 folders and put one inside the other
*Put one scene in each folder
*Save and close QLC+
*Open QLC+ and load the workspace

**Edit:** I've made an interesting discovery. If both folders have the same name (ie "New Folder" They will not stay as parent-child whereas if they are named differently (one is called "new folder 1" for example) they WILL stay parent-child.

I've tested this on RC2 for Windows & Ubuntu as well as RC1 on Windows
Massimo Callegari

Just tested on my dev tree. No issues.

Haven't tested with the same name, but thinking of it, it could really cause the issue. That's why when you create a new folder they have increasing numbers
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