Problem with ADJ Hyper Gem LED

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This really is an amazing piece of software. I am learning how to use it now, and i am hoping that i am missing something simple.

I have several lights hooked up, an ADJ hyper gem led, some revo raves, a few other fixtures. When i start the program, i noticed that if i go straight to the simple desk, you provided sliders for each channel. So, for testing, i don't even need to create or add fixtures.

All of my fixtures work just fine using the simple desk, i have all of the fixtures set to unique channels, so i just find the channel for the fixture and function that i want to test, adjust it and it works just fine.

Except for the Hyper Gem. I have the Hyper Gem in 256 channel mode. Each channel works identically, the only different between them is the color of LED it controls. 1-127 turns the led off, 128-255 turns it on, and there are 256 channels, each hooked to it's own led.

The simple desk sliders for it have no effect at all. The first thing i did was close the program, loaded up freestyler, which i already had set up for the fixtures, and test to make sure the hypergem works, and it does (in 256 channel mode as well as 4 channel mode).

So i exited FS, changed the hypergem to 4 channel mode and went back to qlc+. The hypergem works fine in 4 channel mode. I switched back to 256 channel mode, same thing, no response on any of those channels, though all of the other lights work fine.

Do you have any suggestions? The 256 channel mode was the main reason for trying out other software, and i'm glad i did for sure, whether or not i'm able to get 256ch mode working, this looks like it's ramping up to be so much more capable than any of the other software i've used, thanks!

I did look through the forums but couldn't find anything related, but since all of my lights seem to work (all of the channels are functional on all fixtures) except for the hyper gem LED in 256ch mode, it doesn't make much sense.

I did find that the fixture does work (without importing a fixture definition) in 4ch mode, i think i forgot to change the fixture itself to 4ch mode when testing (it was still in 256ch mode). I still can't get it to respond in 256ch mode after changing it.

The hyper gem LED works in either 4ch mode or a 256ch mode. I created a fixture definition for it (i'll send it here after i know what i'm doing enough to be sure it's made correctly). The way i made the fixture, it has two modes, one for 4ch and one for 256ch. When i import it in 4ch mode, it does work just fine using the sliders in simple desk. But i still can't get it to respond in 256ch mode after deleting it and reimporting in 256 channel mode. I did make sure the fixture was in 256ch mode, and i did import it in 256ch mode instead of 4ch mode, and also i rechecked to make sure i had the right dmx channels.

Having made a fixture definition, that complicates the issue i think, because i don't know that i created it correctly for the 256 ch mode. The channels on the hypergem at like this:

Ch 1: red, ch 2: green, ch 3: blue, ch 4: white

and that pattern is repeated for 256 channels.

I am using the intensity group for each channel in that mode, though the channels do not fade- each color is either on or it's off (0-127 = off, 128-255 = on).

All of my other fixtures seem to be working fine..

Thanks for any help! QLC+ is a great program, looking forward to finishing my fixture definitions and sending them here, i don't think any of them are in there yet.

Also, i forgot, Hi! And i am using QLC 4.7.0 RC1 on a laptop running Win XP SP3. Just for fyi, i am using it on a pentium iii system with 256MB ram, it's not snappy, but it does seem to run just fine which is another big plus, have had equipment grow legs and walk away at shows, it's much less stressful to use a less expensive machine, most other software requires a beefier setup, though i'll be upgrading to something a bit better later.
Massimo Callegari

Hello Rob,
sorry for not being able to reply before, but as you can see, dozens of posts show up every day and I'm not able to follow them all.

Basically I count also on the kindness of QLC+ users to help other users, but obviously this is not always guaranteed to happen.
This whole project is based on people spare time, so please understand that if you don't get an answer is mostly because people are not able to reply or don't have enough time.

Now, as far as I can see, you have a problem with an ADJ fixture.
If this is the subject, the first thing you should have done was to share the fixture you're talking about (even if incomplete), since it's not included in QLC+.
So other users can download it and check if there is any mistake on it.

I am probably missing something, but what is the problem right now ? A non working fixture definition or something else ?

I was saying i didn't want to send any fixtures until i know they are functional so others don't run into problems, and the point of my post is that i haven't been able to get it to work yet. It may not be a fixture def problem though because i have the same problem using the simple desk without having a fixture def active, and from what i can tell the hypegem should work fine. I'll copy/paste to save a lot of time typing..

I have several lights hooked up, an ADJ hyper gem led, some revo raves, a few other fixtures. When i start the program, i noticed that if i go straight to the simple desk, you provided sliders for each channel. So, for testing, i don't even need to create or add fixtures.

(All of the fixtures work fine using the simple desk) except for the Hyper Gem. I have the Hyper Gem in 256 channel mode. Each channel works identically, the only different between them is the color of LED it controls. 1-127 turns the led off, 128-255 turns it on, and there are 256 channels, each hooked to it's own led.

The simple desk sliders for it have no effect at all. The first thing i did was close the program, loaded up freestyler, which i already had set up for the fixtures, and test to make sure the hypergem works, and it does (in 256 channel mode as well as 4 channel mode). (verifies that everything is hooked up and set right).

Thanks again,

Massimo Callegari

Then it might be a patching issue.
On which universe and address did you patch the Hyper gem ?
Did you make sure data is actually sent out to the ADJ device ?
Which kind of output connection are you using ? (DMX USB ? Which adapter ?)

The more details, the more help.

It's on universe 1. I'm using DMX (entecc open pro). All of the fixtures work fine, and also the hypergem works fine as long as it's in 4 channel mode.

The hypergem is on channel 65, there are no conflicts with channels on other devices. I did try moving it to other channels also, same problem. Since it's fine in 256 ch mode, i think it means everything is fine on a hardware level at least. I also tried power cycling the DMX interface, rebooting, restarting qlc..


There are a lot of details in the original posts. I have devices later in the chain that respond to dmx, so that confirms that adj is getting a signal. I'm using the entec open usb pro.
Massimo Callegari

For the record enttec "open pro" doesn't exist. It's "open" or "pro".

So you're saying that if you connect your enttec adapter straight into the hyper gem and move channel 65 to 255 in the simple desk, you don't see a red pixel turning on ?
Have you tried also with QLC+ version 4.6.1 ?

Yes, it's the dmx usb pro. I haven't tried connecting it straight into the hypergem, maybe i misunderstood.

This morning i tried using the DMX pro's test utility, i didn't realize it has its own simple controller built in, works fine with the hyperG in 4 ch mode, works fine in 256 ch mode.

I'll hook the HG directly to the USBpro today, if that fails i'll try installing 4.6.1, good call, i forgot this is a RC version.

I didn't need to hook the gem up direct- as soon as i ran 4.6.1 i got it to work right away both in 4ch and 256 ch modes. I switched back to 4.7.0 to try again, same thing, no response on those channels.

There was another difference between the two versions, maybe unrelated. When i start 4.7.0, some of the lights come on, not all of them, it's like some sliders have non zero values and some don't. I always hit the blackout button, turns everything off, and then hit it again and everything stays off until i adjust sliders. That doesn't happen in 4.6.1. Maybe insignificant, but something i noticed.

I connected the hypergem straight to the USB pro and it still doesn't respond on ch 256, switched to 4.6.1 and it works fine. I switched between programs a couple of times, and once i couldn't 4.6.1 to respond. I did keep an eye on whether i had blackout enabled, but it's hard to tell if it's active or not (maybe there is an indication that i don't know about, aside from all the lights being off i mean), so i could have hit it by mistake. i couldn't recreate the problem, so maybe that was it. btw this isn't critical stuff, when i wrote that pm, i just meant to say that i wasn't seeing any response at all, i know you probably have a lot of other things going on, i just didn't see any response, my posts weren't being seen public, and the timestamps of the new posts by others make it look as though they wrote their message that day and it was posted right away. I just noticed that the system changes the timestamp to make it look as though messages were written the same day that they become active. It gave me the feeling of being ignored completely. Sorry if i came off upset, i wasn't, just have been busy lately.
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