Hi. I'm just starting using qlc+ and i like it a lot. Currently programming for my first show trying to learn the basics. However the software crashes every 5-10 minutes, it seem to happen when switching between operate and design mode, not every time though. In system messages I get the following crashlog:
2014-01-24 10:25:13,531 ReportCrash[665]: com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.crashreporter.writereport.crash
com.apple.message.signature: qlcplus
com.apple.message.signature2: UNBUNDLED ||| ???
com.apple.message.signature3: 23B64E2D41B0D75091F470504D001838
com.apple.message.result: YES
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
Sender_Mach_UUID: 04533D37-3F71-36D5-A0EA-A90BB0D25179
Does this say anything to you?
I'm using OSX 10.9.1 and have a Enttec OpenDMX dongle attached. Problem happened both with 4.6.0 and now 4.6.1