Collection Suggestion

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George Qualley

I use collections extensively as I prefer to have scenes only control one or two functions of any given light (i.e. color, gobo) and then group scenes and chases with a collection. Just my way of working, but I find it very handy. However, one small thing that I think could improve the ease of working with collections would be to have an icon (or other indication) of what type of object is in the collection. Maybe more complicated behind the scenes, but a very simple change in the interface.

The reason that I suggest this is that I have on more than one occasion, added multiple objects of the same type that control the same thing. For example, perhaps I will add two FX that control the same moving heads. I'm trying to do a better job of naming things to prevent this, but if I could visually see what types of objects are in a scene, it would make things a bit less error prone.

Just to make clear what I'm suggesting, I made a little mockup.
QLC%20Mockup.png (55.31 KiB) Viewed 276 times
Jano Svitok


it's a good idea! In fact, it was a matter of one line of code. It's in the git.
George Qualley

Wow, great!
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