Awesome use case

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Massimo Callegari

Checkout use case #4 !
It's an awesome project made by a group of italian guys.

In my opinion the architecture is pretty complex at the moment and I would like to help Alessandro to use QLC+ to do almost everything ! (and to run on the Rasperry Pi)
Matthew Marks

All the use-cases look impressive to me! I'm intrigued by the "home made moving heads" in the first one...
Massimo Callegari

Hehe...yes, they're indeed home made and I guess there's still some of my sweat inside of them :)
They're mini moving heads, based on a chinese RGB LED PAR 38, plus 2 stepper motors controlled by an additional PCB.
Nothing close to something that can be sold on the market...but they work ! If you want to see them in action, here's a couple of videos:
Joep Admiraal

It's interesting to see how others are using QLC+.
Alessandro Grechi

Thank you Massimo! :)

I'm very proud to see my project listed on QLC+ uses cases!
Massimo Callegari

You're welcome and thanks to you !
I'm glad to see QLC+ can be adopted into many different situations
Davey Daytona

very cool.. intrigued about those custom fixtures.. innovation is the key
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