Multiple Head Fixture Problem

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George Qualley

Well here I am again, back at it with something that resulted in the inclusion of multiple heads on a fixture in the original QLC...

Anyways, I just got an American DJ (Elation) Event Bar LED which is basically four tiny moving head LEDs in one unit. As usual, I built a fixture definition for it and, of course, I specified that the unit has four heads. However, I've noticed a couple of areas where the support for multiple heads isn't really complete. For example, in the EFX (maker) specifying the fixture only results in being able to program the first head. The same goes for the XY widget on the Simple Desk--only one head can be controlled.

I understand that this multiple head use isn't particularly common, but I thought I would mention it nonetheless.
Jano Svitok


I'm aware of the problem, I'll have look at it when time allows.
Jano Svitok is implementation of this feature (note that there are still some bugs in fixture remapping code).

Please test if you can (build from git) and report results. Thanks.
George Qualley


My apologies. I've been working on a project that has taken ALL of my time and I haven't had an opportunity to test this yet. I hope to be able to do so soon and I thank you for your attention to this issue.
Jano Svitok


no need to apologize and no need to hurry. I understand the time problem very well :)
Check it when time allows. I hope the fix is OK, but since I haven't a real multihead fixture, you may find some details that need to be changed.
Massimo Callegari

Seems like everyone (me included) is fighting against time lately :)
@Jano, I don't think George can build QLC+ on his own
@George, do you want me to privately provide a build for you to test this feature ?
George Qualley


If you have the time to build it for me, I can test it right away. I've built QLC in the past but I don't have a complete build environment setup to build QLC+ right now (although I'm sure if I took the time I could get it setup).
George Qualley

@Jano, your patch is working for me! Thank you very much!
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